作者:R. Di Pietro et al 来源:Communications Physics 发布时间:2018/8/30 14:14:39

论文标题:On the manifestation of electron-electron interactions in the thermoelectric response of semicrystalline conjugated polymers with low energetic disorder

期刊:Communications Physics

作者:R. Di Pietro et al




近期《通讯-物理学》发表的一项研究On the manifestation of electron-electron interactions in the thermoelectric response of semicrystalline conjugated polymers with low energetic disorder表明高迁移率半晶聚合物晶畴内和晶畴间的电荷输运不能用能量无序效应来描述。

半晶聚合物半导体的场效应迁移率可以媲美甚至超过非晶硅半导体,但是随着发展,用于描述这类材料电荷转移的以无序为基础的模型暴露出局限性,这主要是由于这些模型最初是为更无序、更低迁移率的聚合物而开发的。来自剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室的M. Statz、澳大利亚莫纳什大学X. Jiao、新墨西哥大学的D. Emin、剑桥大学日立剑桥实验室的R. Di Pietro及其合作者们共同撰文表明,电荷载流子密度和半晶聚合物P(NDI2OD-T2)中具有不同结晶度的场效应电子迁移率和Seebeck系数的温度依赖性与电荷输运受能量无序限制这一描述存在不相容之处。他们提供了低无序、窄带传导的直接证据。考虑空间不均匀的态密度和短程电子 - 电子相互作用可以自洽地解释所测量的迁移率和Seebeck系数。这些结果为通过增加晶畴延伸来改善聚合物半导体的热电效率提供了论据。

摘要:The development of semicrystalline polymer semiconductors with field-effect mobilities comparable to or even exceeding those of amorphous silicon has exposed limitations of describing charge transport in these materials with disorder-based models developed originally for more disordered, lower mobility polymers. Here, we show that the charge carrier density and temperature dependence of the field-effect electron mobility and Seebeck coefficient in the semicrystalline polymer P(NDI2OD-T2) with varying degrees of crystallinity are incompatible with a description of charge transport being limited by energetic disorder effects. We provide instead direct evidence of low disorder, narrow band conduction. A spatially inhomogeneous density of states and the inclusion of short range electron–electron interactions allow to consistently explain both the measured mobility and Seebeck coefficient. These results provide a rationale for improving thermoelectric efficiency of polymer semiconductors via increasing the extension of the crystalline domains.


期刊介绍:Communications Physics is an open access journal from Nature Research publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of physics. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances bringing new insight to a specialized area of research.


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