来源:Frontiers of Architectural Research 发布时间:2024/1/25 15:07:17
FoAR | 揭示空间句法方法在历史城区复兴中的潜力:以中国鱼山历史街区为例

论文标题:Unveiling the potential of space syntax approach for revitalizing historic urban areas: A case study of Yushan Historic District, China(揭示空间句法方法在历史城区复兴中的潜力:以中国鱼山历史街区为例)

期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research

作者:Yuyan Lyu, Mohd Iskandar Abd Malek, Nor Haslina Ja’afar, Yina Sima, Ziyi Han, Zhangjingyi Liu

发表时间:21 Aug 2023

DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2023.08.004



建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录

Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于12月上旬在线发布了2023年第六期,共14篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。


论 文 题 目

Manuscript Title

Unveiling the potential of space syntax approach for revitalizing historic urban areas: A case study of Yushan HistoricDistrict, China



作 者


Yuyan Lyu (a)*, Mohd Iskandar Abd Malek (a), Nor Haslina Ja‘afar (a), Yina Sima (b), Ziyi Han (a), Zhangjingyi Liu (a)

(a) Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, The National University of Malaysia, UKM Bangi, Selangor 43600, Malaysia

(b) Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo 315100, China


论 文 摘 要


Historic urban areas are a crucial component of urban heritage, embodying the collective memory of urban development and possessing distinctive urban textures and cultural attributes. However, the growing impact of globalization on the urban environment poses challenges to historic urban areas, including diminishing social recognition, aging infrastructure, loss of vitality, and cultural erosion. To address these challenges, this study proposes a novel approach to revitalizing historic urban areas by employing space syntax methodology. The study focuses on Yushan Historic District in China as a case study and uses spatial models within space syntax to describe, analyze, and interpret its urban morphology. The objective is to enhance urban vitality while preserving the heritage fabric of historic urban areas. Additionally, it aims to contribute to the advancement of space syntax research, specifically in the context of urban renewal and revitalization of historic districts. The findings reveal the spatial factors that contribute to the generation of vitality within the district, identify areas requiring intervention, and provide strategies for revitalizing historic urban areas. This study demonstrates the potential of utilizing a space syntax approach in urban revitalization, providing valuable guidance for effectively conserving urban heritage within the context of urban renewal.



关 键 词


Space syntax / 空间句法

Urban morphology / 城市形态

Historic urban areas / 历史城区

Urban revitalization / 城市复兴

Urban vitality / 城市活力

Yushan Historic District / 鱼山历史街区


章 节 标 题

Sections Title

1. Introduction / 引言

2. Theoretical framework / 理论框架

2.1. A quantitative language-space syntax / 定量的语言空间句法

2.2. Space syntax theory and relevant studies / 空间句法理论与相关研究

3. Research methods / 研究方法

3.1. Case study: overview of Yushan Historic District / 案例研究:鱼山历史街区

3.2. Space syntax-based methodology / 基于空间句法的研究方法

3.3. Syntactic variables / 句法变量

4. Analysis and discussion / 分析与探讨

4.1. Data analysis and interpretation / 数据分析与解读

4.1.1. Analysis of the degree of connectivity, control, depth and integration / 对连接值、控制值、深度值和整合度的分析

4.1.2. Analysis of intelligibility and synergy / 可理解性与协同性分析

4.1.3. Analysis of the visibility graph / 可见度图形分析

4.2. Discussion of the results / 关于研究结果的探讨

5. Conclusion and recommendation / 结论与建议


主 要 插 图


▲ 图一:鱼山历史街区的几条重要街道。© 本文作者

▲ 图二:鱼山历史街区的城市形态。© 本文作者

▲ 图三:空间分析过程 (a) 建立基础模型 (b) 空间模型生成 (c) 空间模型分析。© 本文作者

▲ 图四:空间句法模型分析结果:(a) Connectivity value. (b) Control value. (c) Total depth value. (d) Mean depth value. (e) Global integration value (Rn). (f) Local integration value (R3)。© 本文作者

▲ 图五:Scatter plot of axial intelligibility。© 本文作者

▲ 图六:Scatter plot of axial synergy。© 本文作者

▲ 图七:Visibility graph analysis (VGA) of the site. (a) Visual integration (R3). (b) Agent-based model。© 本文作者


作 者 介 绍

Authors Information

Yuyan Lyu / 吕玉言

Doctoral Candidate

Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The National University of Malaysia

Yuyan Lyu, a current PhD candidate at the National University of Malaysia, holds an MSc degree in Urban Planning from Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Yuyans research spans smart cities, heritage conservation, urban renewal, and digital urban design. She is dedicated to unraveling the intricate relationships among diverse spatial elements within the urban environment, exploring how these elements influence the spatial layout and functionality of cities. Yuyan’s PhD research focuses on applying morphological analysis to the field of urban renewal while concurrently integrating big data technologies. This comprehensive approach aims to formulate preservation and revitalization strategies for urban heritage, providing valuable insights into research associated with the conservation and renewal of urban heritage.

Mohd Iskandar Abd Malek

Senior Lecturer

Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The National University of Malaysia

Current research interests: Urban Design, Urban Typo-Morphology, structural system of Urban Heritage, Urban Landscape, Urban Housing, and Defensible Space.

Nor Haslina Ja‘afar


Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The National University of Malaysia

Current research interests: Urban design, Urban heritage, Place character, Royal town, Islamic value & multicultural in urban area, Identity of place, Street design, Public spaces.

Yina Sima

Faculty Member

Department of Architecture and Built Environment

University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Current research interests: Sustainable urbanism, resilient urban form, urban morphology, spatial analysis and computational design.

Ziyi Han / 韩孜奕

Doctoral Candidate

Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The National University of Malaysia

Current research interests: urban design, place theory, sense of place, conservation of historical district environment, urban waterfront development.

Zhangjingyi Liu / 刘张竞一

Doctoral Candidate

Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The National University of Malaysia

Current research interests: Visual quality assessment of cities and landscapes, Renewal and preservation of historic districts, Renewal and preservation of traditional villages.


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