来源:Life 发布时间:2021/3/10 15:53:15
MDPI Life | 蛋白质从头设计研究进展

论文标题:A Strategy for Combinatorial Cavity Design in De Novo Proteins(蛋白质从头设计研究进展)


作者:Christina Karas and Michael Hecht

发表时间:23 January 2020









近日,美国普林斯顿大学分子生物学系的Michael Hecht教授及其研究团队在期刊Life上发表了论文“A Strategy for Combinatorial Cavity Design in De Novo Proteins”。在这项研究中,他们创建了新序列的组合基因序列文库,这些新序列与现有的活生物没有同源性。研究中,他们利用极性和非极性氨基酸的二元模式,使蛋白质有利于折叠成具有均匀疏水内部和完全极性表面的结构。这种二进制编码策略成功地产生了折叠良好且高度稳定的α-螺旋蛋白。其中一些新蛋白质与金属、辅因子和其他小分子结合,在某些情况下,新蛋白质在体外催化反应。其优点是,它对于被催化的反应类型做出了相对较少的假设,因此不需要重复评估每个新功能。这个方法非常适合于体外和体内多种功能活性的筛选和选择。

这项工作是在稳定的从头蛋白质结构的背景下,设计并生成一个可能包含活性位点的腔体组合库。为了实现这一目标,他们从4-螺旋束的二元模式文库中寻求了一种高度稳定的蛋白质——S-824蛋白质。研究表明,S-824蛋白可耐受疏水性核心侧链的缺失。图1表征了S-824 5x-Ala突变体, 对5x-Ala序列进行的结构预测表明,从S-824的掩埋核中除去疏水性侧链会产生明显的空腔 (图2)。

图1. S-824 5x-Ala突变体的表征。

图2. 标有N和C末端的侧视图 (左) 和标有1至4的螺旋的俯视图 (右)。

研究表明,蛋白S-824在其疏水性核心中具有广泛的极性和非极性侧链,S-824的五个核心位置可耐受大多数氨基酸 (图3)。

图3. 大多数氨基酸在S-824的五个核心位置均被耐受。

基于以上实验,他们开始对S-824蛋白结构模板空腔文库进行设计与构建。图4a为S-824的NMR结构,其中紫色为可变区,灰色为不变区域,N和C为末端标记。图4b为设计的细节,红色是由NDT密码子编码的催化/核心残基 (CatCor),蓝色是由VRC密码子编码的环形成区域 (LpFor)。图4c为表面视图,可以看到,CatCor残基大部分是掩埋的疏水残基,而LpFor是表面暴露的残基。图4d是新基因的DNA和蛋白质序列,氨基酸的混合物用X表示。图4e为简并密码子和为每个可变位置选择的氨基酸。对于CatCor,疏水残基以黄色突出显示,极性残基以红色突出显示。

图4. 以蛋白质S-824为模板的组合文库的设计。

为了编码设计的蛋白质文库,Michael Hecht教授及其研究团队构建了相应的合成基因文库。为了评估完整文库的实际多样性,进行了二代测序 (NGS)。这表明该库包含1,700,000个特有序列,其中三分之二是在库中的 (即没有移码或终止密码子)。对于易变位置,每个氨基酸的频率与设计输入非常吻合 (图5)。

图5. 腔体组合库的二代测序。对来自文库的质粒DNA进行PCR以产生跨越两个可变区的扩增子。这些扩增子在MiSeq Micro上测序,并分析每个可变位置的编码氨基酸。条高代表给定氨基酸的频率;最右边的条表示根据文库设计,CatCor位置的预期氨基酸组成;星号表示终止密码子。

在文库DNA被证明与设计高度一致之后,下一步就是研究新蛋白的表达、稳定性和折叠性。为此,将文库转化为BL21 (DE3),并任意选择9个序列进行表征。首先,在存在IPTG诱导剂的液体培养基中培养细胞,并通过SDS-PAGE分析所得未稀释的全细胞样品的蛋白质含量 (图6b)。在9个未选择的序列中,有7个在预期的分子量上显示了一条显著的条带,表明大多数文库表达良好。接下来,确定了强表达序列 (图6a)。所得的比对表明在设计的可变区内有不同的氨基酸组成,但在蛋白质的其他地方却没有。而且,如设计所指定,大多数序列在推定的空腔中包含一个或几个极性侧链。

图6. 随机选择的库数据符合设计理念,表达良好且呈α螺旋状。


Life (ISSN 2075-1729; IF 2.991) 是MDPI组织出版的开放获取型期刊,期刊主要关注与生命科学主题相关的最新研究成果。目前,期刊已被Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE),BIOSIS Previews和Scopus等数据库收录。Life采取单盲同行评审,一轮审稿周期约为14.6天,文章从接收到发表仅需2.6天。



Proteins perform myriad functions in living systems. They catalyze reactions, transmit extracellular signals, transport molecules across membranes, act as chemical messengers, and maintain cell structure. These (and other) life-sustaining functions arose in response to billions of years of selection for survival. Can functions capable of sustaining life also be found among novel proteins that did not evolve in living systems?

The collection of sequences that did not evolve in nature is vast. Even for a relatively short protein of 100 amino acids, there are 20100 possibilities. If we made one molecule of each, the total volume of this collection would exceed that of the known universe. Thus, the overwhelming majority of possible amino acid sequences were never subjected to selective pressure in living systems. Indeed, all life on Earth survives using an infinitesimal fraction of possible sequences.


Our laboratory pioneered a hybrid approach that uses some level of rational design to devise libraries of semi-random sequences suitable for screens and selections in vitro and in vivo. We design the binary patterning of polar and nonpolar amino acids to specify the exposed and buried residues of a desired structure, respectively. Thus, to design 4-helix bundles, we use a pattern of polar and nonpolar amino acids residues consistent with the formation of four amphipathic α-helices. While the pattern of polar and nonpolar residues is specified explicitly, we do not design specific sequences; instead we allow the exact identities of the polar and nonpolar residues at each position to vary combinatorically.


This new library combines both rational design and combinatorial diversification by introducing variability only at positions where it is likely to be beneficial. Specifically, the “top” of the bundle is targeted for the creation of a cavity and potential active site. In order to determine which residues are tolerated at each variable position, we performed a series of targeted mutagenesis studies. Results from these mutational studies, coupled with pre-existing knowledge of the catalytic propensities [21] and loop forming propensities [22] of amino acid side chains, guided the design and construction of a new library genes encoding 1.7 × 106 α-helical proteins suitable for high throughput screens and selections.


These results demonstrate that it is possible to modify the binary code strategy in ways that enable the design of proteins that are thermodynamically stable and simultaneously incorporate polar active sites. The approaches developed here will enable the design of further libraries of buried cavities into the structures of other binary patterned de novo proteins. Specifically, ongoing work is focused on designing cavity libraries into the dimeric 4-helix bundle of the Syn-F4 enzyme. These new libraries are poised for screens and selections aimed at discovering a range of proteins that did not evolve in living systems, but which nonetheless provide activities that enable the growth of living organisms.


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