来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2020/3/18 10:41:40
西部大猩猩可能具有领域性 |《科学报告》论文

论文标题:Western gorilla space use suggests territoriality

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Robin E. Morrison, Jacob C. Dunn et al.




《科学报告》的一项研究 Western gorilla space use suggests territoriality 发现,西部大猩猩族群可能会防御它们巢区的中心区域,不让邻近族群靠近。该发现或表明西部大猩猩具有领域意识。

相机陷阱重建的区域模式 | 来源: Morrison et.al


英国剑桥大学的Robin Morrison和同事利用大型相机陷阱监测了刚果共和国境内60平方公里面积上的八个西部大猩猩族群(共113只)。作者确定了每个族群的巢区,发现虽然不同族群的巢区之间有重合,但大猩猩通常会避开去其他族群当天到过的区域捕食。越靠近另一个族群的巢区中心,大猩猩的这种回避行为就越明显。




The evolutionary origins of how modern humans share and use space are often modelled on the territorial-based violence of chimpanzees, with limited comparison to other apes. Gorillas are widely assumed to be non-territorial due to their large home ranges, extensive range overlap, and limited inter-group aggression. Using large-scale camera trapping, we monitored western gorillas in Republic of Congo across 60 km2. Avoidance patterns between groups were consistent with an understanding of the “ownership” of specific regions, with greater avoidance of their neighbours the closer they were to their neighbours’ home range centres. Groups also avoided larger groups’ home ranges to a greater extent, consistent with stronger defensive responses from more dominant groups. Our results suggest that groups may show territoriality, defending core regions of their home ranges against neighbours, and mirror patterns common across human evolution, with core areas of resident dominance and larger zones of mutual tolerance. This implies western gorillas may be a key system for understanding how humans have evolved the capacity for extreme territorial-based violence and warfare, whilst also engaging in the strong affiliative inter-group relationships necessary for large-scale cooperation.


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