来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/5/17 10:53:00
利用体外器官支持系统让受损猪肺再生 | 《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Regeneration of severely damaged lungs using an interventional cross-circulation platform

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Brandon A. Guenthart, John D. O’Neill, Jinho Kim, Dawn Queen, Scott Chicotka, Kenmond Fung, Michael Simpson, Rachel Donocoff, Michael Salna, Charles C. Marboe, Katherine Cunningham, Susan P. Halligan, Holly M. Wobma, Ahmed E. Hozain, Alexander Romanov, Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, Matthew Bacchetta


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-09908-1



《自然-通讯》本周发表的一篇论文Regeneration of severely damaged lungs using an interventional cross-circulation platform报道了利用体外器官支持系统让受损猪肺再生。初步结果显示,受损后的猪肺或能进行修复,并用于器官移植。


图源:Dr. Brandon Guenthart


美国范德堡大学的Matthew Bacchetta和同事研究了严重受损肺脏再生后达到移植标准的可能性。作者在8只猪的体内再现了胃内容物吸入性损伤,并通过体外支持系统将受损肺脏与受体动物的循环系统相连,对器官进行维持。利用这一交叉循环系统,供体肺在猪体外最长能维持36个小时,让一系列治疗干预措施得以进行。该系统不仅能让受损肺脏再生,还能提高其功能,且再生后的肺脏满足所有移植条件。

图2:正在进行中的交叉循环干预过程。图源:Dr. Brandon Guenthart


摘要:The number of available donor organs limits lung transplantation, the only lifesaving therapy for the increasing population of patients with end-stage lung disease. A prevalent etiology of injury that renders lungs unacceptable for transplantation is gastric aspiration, a deleterious insult to the pulmonary epithelium. Currently, severely damaged donor lungs cannot be salvaged with existing devices or methods. Here we report the regeneration of severely damaged lungs repaired to meet transplantation criteria by utilizing an interventional cross-circulation platform in a clinically relevant swine model of gastric aspiration injury. Enabled by cross-circulation with a living swine, prolonged extracorporeal support of damaged lungs results in significant improvements in lung function, cellular regeneration, and the development of diagnostic tools for non-invasive organ evaluation and repair. We therefore propose that the use of an interventional cross-circulation platform could enable recovery of otherwise unsalvageable lungs and thus expand the donor organ pool.


期刊介绍:Nature Communications (https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.

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