作者:Birgit Weinberger 来源:Immunity & Ageing 发布时间:2018/12/4 13:40:04
老年人注射疫苗的现状和挑战 | Immunity & Ageing

论文标题:Vaccines for the elderly: current use and future challenges

期刊:Immunity & Ageing

作者:Birgit Weinberger






Birgit Weinberger等人在Immunity & Ageing期刊上发表的这篇综述总结了目前发达国家对老年人疫苗接种的建议,给出了目前老年人疫苗的免疫原性和疗效数据,并提出了开发专门针对老年人的新型疫苗的展望。

随着年岁增长,人体的免疫系统在发生变化,这导致老年人患感染性疾病的概率和严重程度明显增加。疫苗接种是预防感染的最有效措施,大多数国家的疫苗接种建议都包括了针对老年人的具体疫苗接种指南。指南通常推荐有基础疾病的老年人接种流感和肺炎链球菌疫苗,但对于老年人接种的年龄界限则不尽相同(从≥ 50岁到 ≥ 65岁不等)。一些国家还建议老年人接种带状疱疹疫苗(见下表)。

表1. 总结了目前欧洲部分国家和美国的老年人疫苗接种建议。




Age-related changes of the immune system contribute to increased incidence and severity of infections in the elderly. Vaccination is the most effective measure to prevent infections and vaccination recommendations in most countries include specific guidelines for the elderly. Vaccination against influenza and Streptococcus pneumoniaeis usually recommended for persons with underlying diseases and for the elderly with heterogeneous age limits between ≥ 50 years and ≥ 65 years. Some countries also recommend vaccination against herpes zoster. Several vaccines are recommended for all adults, such as regular booster shots against tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis/polio, or for specific groups, e.g. vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis in endemic areas or travel vaccines. These are also relevant for the elderly. Most currently used vaccines are less immunogenic and effective in the elderly compared to younger adults. Potential strategies to improve their immunogenicity include higher antigen dose, alternative routes of administration, and the use of adjuvants, which were all implemented for influenza vaccines, and induce moderately higher antibody concentrations. Research on universal vaccines against influenza and S. pneumoniae is ongoing in order to overcome the limitations of the current strain-specific vaccines. Respiratory syncytial virus causes significant morbidity in the elderly. Novel vaccines against this and other pathogens, for instance bacterial nosocomial infections, have tremendous potential impact on health in old age and are intensively studied by many academic and commercial organizations. In addition to novel vaccine developments, it is crucial to increase awareness for the importance of vaccination beyond the pediatric setting, as vaccination coverage is still far from optimal for the older population.




Immunity & Ageing(https://immunityageing.biomedcentral.com/, 4.019 - 2-year Impact Factor, 3.333 - 5-year Impact Factor) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that considers manuscripts on all aspects of ageing examined from an immunological point of view.


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