来源:Life Sciences, Society and Policy 发布时间:2018/12/4 13:36:00
当你把基因组合比作拼积木,你其实在想什么?谈谈科学新闻中的比喻 | BMC Journal

论文标题:Synthetic biology in the German press: how implications of metaphors shape representations of morality and responsibility

期刊:Life Sciences, Society and Policy

作者:Martin Döring





比喻这种修辞手法在我们的语言中非常常见,这些比喻甚至会在不知不觉中影响我们认识事物的方式。那么,当谈论的主题是某一科学领域的时候,我们使用的比喻又如何反映我们对这一领域的认知呢?Life Sciences, Society and Policy最近以合成生物学领域为例研究了这一问题。该研究创新性地将比喻和共现分析结合起来,从而系统地探究了新闻媒体对合成生物学进行报道时所使用的语言意象背后的含义。来听听论文作者Martin Döring是如何解读自己的发现的。

合成生物学是一个相对年轻的研究领域,它与生物技术、系统生物学和代谢工程密切相关。合成生物学的基础是根据科学原理合理地设计和构建新的生物部件、装置和系统。自从Craig Venter的蕈状支原体JCVI-syn1.0诞生以来,合成生物学已经引起了广泛的社会关注。

当时,报纸上有关Craig Venter的新闻发布会的报道引起了我的注意。读了几份德国、法国和英国的报纸之后,我发现这些报道充斥的比喻和语言意象是有其内在逻辑的,至少在我看来似乎是这样一回事。把DNA比喻成乐高积木似乎给严肃的科学带来趣味,因为乐高积木本身就和有趣、吸引人这些词挂钩。但很显然,合成生物学和玩玩具是完全不同的两码事。

我曾经研究过技术评估和生物技术相关文章中的比喻,因此我认为对语言意象进行系统分析是理解合成生物学不同特质,了解该新兴技术相关新闻报道背后的予以构建过程的第一步。Balmer和Herremann撰写的书籍章节以及Komduur,Korthals和te Molder共同撰写的文章对我的研究有特别的启发。这个研究的核心想法是将合成生物学科普的语言研究与经验伦理学分析联系起来。


首先,我把在Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung和Der Spiegel上发表的有关合成生物学的新闻报道集结起来进行分析。在这个过程中我使用了LexisNexis新闻数据库,搜索的时间范围为2000年至2010年。分析比喻时我采用的是结合了语言学、科学和技术研究的组合方法。



• 合成生物学即是构建;

• 合成生物学即是玩游戏;

• 合成生物学即是编程;

• 合成生物学即是撰写和编辑文本。






Synthetic biology (SynBio) represents a relatively young field of research which has developed into an important scientific endeavour. Characterised by a high degree of interdisciplinary work crossing disciplinary boundaries, such as biology, mathematics and engineering, SynBio has been, since its beginning, devoted to creating new biological functions, metabolic pathways or even minimal organisms. Although its often-articulated aim of developing new forms of life has so far not been archived, SynBio nowadays represents a well-established biotechnological approach and it has also attracted public concern, especially since Craig Venter’s work on Mycoplasma Mycoides JCVI-syn1.0. Taking these developments as a starting point, the paper empirically investigates the metaphorical representations of SynBio in two leading German media publications, the daily newspaper Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the weekly magazine Der Spiegel between 2000 and 2010. Using a novel combination of metaphor and co-occurrence analysis, the paper engages in a systematic examination of implicit moral implications inherent in linguistic images permeating this news coverage. It demonstrates a method of how media-metaphorical representations and their moral implications of SynBio could analytically be revealed and analysed. In doing so, it aims at contributing to empirical ethical analyses of the news coverage on SynBio in particular and offers an approach that methodologically adds to literature on responsible language use, which is emerging in science and technology studies and ethical analyses of new technologies.




The purpose of Life Sciences, Society and Policy (LSSP)( https://lsspjournal.biomedcentral.com/, 0.941 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper ) is to analyse social, ethical and legal dimensions of the most dynamic branches of life sciences and technologies, and to discuss ways to foster responsible innovation, sustainable development and user-driven social policies. LSSP provides an academic forum for engaged scholarship at the intersection of life sciences, philosophy, bioethics, science studies and policy research, and covers a broad area of inquiry both in emerging research areas such as genomics, bioinformatics, biophysics, molecular engineering, nanotechnology and synthetic biology, and in more applied fields such as translational medicine, food science, environmental science, climate studies, research on animals, sustainability, science education and others.


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