作者:Suyu MEI 来源:Frontiers of Computer Science 发布时间:2022/2/24 13:56:06
FCS | 前沿研究:结合监督学习与稠密子图发现的蛋白复合物预测框架

论文标题:A framework combines supervised learning and dense subgraphs discovery to predict protein complexes (结合监督学习与稠密子图发现的蛋白复合物预测框架)

期刊:Frontiers of Computer Science

作者:Suyu MEI

发表时间:19 Nov 2021







Rapidly identifying protein complexes is significant to elucidate the mechanisms of macromolecular interactions and to further investigate the overlapping clinical manifestations of diseases. To date, existing computational methods majorly focus on developing unsupervised graph clustering algorithms, sometimes in combination with prior biological insights, to detect protein complexes from protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. However, the outputs of these methods are potentially structural or functional modules within PPI networks. These modules do not necessarily correspond to the actual protein complexes that are formed via spatiotemporal aggregation of subunits. In this study, we propose a computational framework that combines supervised learning and dense subgraphs discovery to predict protein complexes. The proposed framework consists of two steps. The first step reconstructs genome-scale protein co-complex networks via training a supervised learning model of l2-regularized logistic regression on experimentally derived co-complexed protein pairs; and the second step infers hierarchical and balanced clusters as complexes from the co-complex networks via effective but computationally intensive k-clique graph clustering method or efficient maximum modularity clustering (MMC) algorithm. Empirical studies of cross validation and independent test show that both steps achieve encouraging performance. The proposed framework is fundamentally novel and excels over existing methods in that the complexes inferred from protein cocomplex networks are more biologically relevant than those inferred from PPI networks, providing a new avenue for identifying novel protein complexes.


利用聚类演化的加权SVM集成算法识别MCI进程中的差异脑区 2021 15(6):156903

蛋白质网络:中心性、模块性、动态性及其应用研究 2021 15(6):156902

【FCS 优秀青年科学家论坛】蛋白质亚叶绿体定位的计算预测:十周年 2021 15(2):152901

【FCS 优秀青年科学家论坛】当前蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用预测中的计算方法的趋势调研 2020 14(4):144901

Frontiers of Computer Science

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