JRFM | 改善贫困及社会排斥现象的救兵?欧盟经济体数字化的社会效益分析 |
论文标题:Digitalization of the EU Economies and People at Risk of Poverty or Social Exclusion(改善贫困及社会排斥现象的救兵?欧盟经济体数字化的社会效益分析)
作者:Aleksy Kwilinski, Oleksandr Vyshnevskyi and Henryk Dzwigol
发表时间:2 July 2020
摘要:欧盟正在不断加强其法律支撑来刺激欧洲数字化议程,然而调查结果显示数字化尚未解决所有相关的社会问题,贫困仍然是主要问题之一。来自伦敦科学与商业学院的Aleksy Kwilinski教授和Henryk Dzwigo教授以及乌克兰国家航空航天局工业经济研究所的Oleksandr Vyshnevskyi博士在Journal of Risk and Financial Management (JRFM)期刊上发表了一篇文章,全面分析调查了欧盟成员国数字化水平对贫困和社会排斥风险的影响。本文采用数字经济和社会指数评估欧盟国家的数字化水平;AROPE (At Risk of Poverty or Social Exclusion) 指标来测度贫困。文章表明,数字化对减少贫困和社会排斥风险具有积极作用。然而平均而言,更高水平的数字化并不能加快减少贫困和降低社会排斥的风险。
工业4.0以及“单一数字市场”发展战略是欧盟议程上的关键项目之一。欧盟正在不断加强其法律支撑来刺激这些领域的经济活动:“欧洲数字议程”(EUR-Lex 2010a)、“欧洲宽带:投资于数字驱动的增长”(EUR-Lex 2010b)、“迈向繁荣的数据驱动”经济”(EUR-Lex 2014) 等。这些战略文件表明,数字化不仅有经济效益,还具备一定的社会效益,由此学者们展开了一系列研究。

来自伦敦科学与商业学院的Aleksy Kwilinski教授和Henryk Dzwigo教授以及乌克兰国家航空航天局工业经济研究所的Oleksandr Vyshnevskyi博士在Journal of Risk and Financial Management (JRFM)期刊上发表了一篇文章,全面分析调查了欧盟成员国数字化水平对贫困和社会排斥风险的影响。
本文采用数字经济和社会指数 (Digital Economy and Society Index, DESI) 评估欧盟国家的数字化水平;AROPE (At Risk of Poverty or Social Exclusion) 指标来测度贫困。DESI由欧盟委员会为所有欧盟成员国定期计算,并针对作为目标组的欧盟成员国进行了编译。DESI包含37个指标,描述了数字化的五个方面:(1) 连接性,(2) 人力资本,(3) 互联网服务的使用,(4) 数字技术的集成,(5) 数字公共服务。AROPE由欧盟统计局定期计算。AROPE比率是监测“欧盟2020战略”贫困目标的主要指标。

图为2018年欧盟国家面临贫困和社会排斥风险的人口比例与2014年DESI排名的变化。资料来源:作者根据欧盟委员会 (2019) 和欧盟统计局 (2020a) 的数据汇编。
为了检验研究假设,本文对DESI和AROPE进行了全面比较,并评估了它们的依赖性。为了估计2021年AROPE指标发生变化的可能性,作者对上述指标以及主要的研究方法以及蒙特卡罗方法 (Monte Carlo method) 进行了比较和相关分析。
在排名第一的国家 (荷兰和芬兰) 中,数字化水平较高的芬兰与处于贫困或社会排斥风险中的人口百分比相比,增长速度较慢,有积极效果。在排名第二的国家 (法国和瑞典) 中,数字化水平较高的瑞典的贫困风险降低率低于法国,未观察到积极效果。在第一对国家 (瑞典和丹麦) 中,数字化水平较高的丹麦显示出的减贫率高于瑞典,表明有积极效果。在第四对国家 (斯洛文尼亚和德国) 中,数字化水平较高的德国显示出减少贫困风险的比率低于斯洛文尼亚,无积极效果。在最后一对国家 (爱尔兰和克罗地亚) 中,数字化水平较高的爱尔兰显示出降低贫困风险的比率高于克罗地亚,有积极效果。由此可见,五对国家中的三对显示出数字化水平有积极作用。

图为2013年处于贫困或遭受社会排斥风险的人口百分比数值相同 (接近) 的国家/地区 (考虑到平均数字化水平)。资料来源:作者根据欧盟委员会(2019)和欧盟统计局(2020a)的数据编制
Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ISSN 1911-8074) 是一个国际型开放获取期刊。期刊主题涵盖风险、金融经济学、数学金融、金融市场、银行与金融、金融科技与创新、可持续金融、企业金融、旅游经济学与金融管理、应用经济学与金融等,目前期刊已被ESCI (Web of Science) 数据库收录。JRFM采取单盲同行评审,一审周期约为18.2天,文章从接收到发表仅需3.9天。
The development of Industry 4.0 and the formation of a single digital market are among the key items on the EU agenda. The EU is constantly expanding their legal support to stimulate economic activity in these spheres. Over the past ten years, the following has been adopted: “A Digital Agenda for Europe” (EUR-Lex 2010a), “European Broadband: Investing in Digitally Driven Growth” (EUR-Lex 2010b), “Towards a Thriving Data-Driven Economy” (EUR-Lex 2014), “The EU’s New Digital Single Market Strategy” (EUR-Lex 2015), “Building a European Data Economy” (EUR-Lex 2017), “Information Society” (EUR-Lex 2018) “The Age of Artificial Intelligence: Towards a European Strategy for Human-Centric Machines” (European Political Strategy Centre (European Commission 2018)), and other documents.
According to these strategic documents, digitalization has not only economic, but also social benefits. However, not all of the associated social problems have been resolved yet. Poverty still remains as one of the major issues. As of 2018, there are more than 110 million people in the EU-28 who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion (Eurostat 2020b).
This paper uses Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) to evaluate the digitization level of EU countries,. DESI is regularly calculated by the European Commission for all the EU member states (European Commission 2019),the structure includes 37 indicators, which describe five dimensions of digitalization: (1) connectivity, (2) human capital, (3) use of internet services, (4) integration of digital technology, (5) digital public services.
An indicator of the people at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE) was used to measure poverty. This indicator is regularly calculated by the statistical service of the European Union (Eurostat 2020a, 2020b).
The authors used a comparative and correlation analysis with respect to the above-mentioned indicators as the main research method, as well as the Monte Carlo method, in order to estimate the probability of a change in the AROPE indicator in 2021.
The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between the change of the percentage of the population at risk of poverty and social exclusion in 2014–2018 in the EU countries and the rank shown by the DESI index in 2014 is −0.6. Thus, on average, a country’s higher level of digitalization does not provide an accelerated reduction of poverty risks.
Comprehensive studies and statistics show that two processes are simultaneously taking place in the EU: deepening of economic digitalization and poverty reductions. Given its potential, it was logical to assume that digitalization has a positive effect on reducing the risks of poverty and social exclusion. However, on average, a higher level of digitalization of an EU member state does not provide an accelerated reduction of the risks of poverty and social exclusion.
