来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2020/3/25 14:48:42
来自CFC库的排放或会推迟臭氧洞恢复 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Quantifying contributions of chlorofluorocarbon banks to emissions and impacts on the ozone layer and climate

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Megan Lickley, Susan Solomon et.al




《自然-通讯》发表的一项研究Quantifying contributions of chlorofluorocarbon banks to emissions and impacts on the ozone layer and climate发现,一些仍在使用的较老旧应用装置排放的氟氯烃(CFC)可能超过此前估计。这些排放或将推迟南极臭氧洞的恢复,并向大气中释放相当于90亿公吨的CO2。


图片来源:Lickley, M., Solomon, S., Fletcher, S. 等


美国麻省理工学院的Megan Lickley和同事利用一种新的统计框架,评估了CFC库的规模以及其中CFC-11、CFC-12、CFC-113的相应排放量。结果表明,这些排放量比之前评估所显示的要高得多,占到了目前CFC-11和12估计排放量的一大部分(不包括2012年后由于复产增加的CFC-11排放量)。虽然《蒙特利尔议定书》允许在某些应用中继续使用CFC-113,但这里报告的排放水平超过了之前研究报告的水平,引发了对其来源的疑问。据作者估计,目前这些库的排放可能会让臭氧洞的恢复推迟6年,并向大气中释放相当于90亿公吨的CO2。作者认为,研究结果凸显出对CFC库进行回收和销毁以减少排放的必要性。

摘要:Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) banks from uses such as air conditioners or foams can be emitted after global production stops. Recent reports of unexpected emissions of CFC-11 raise the need to better quantify releases from these banks, and associated impacts on ozone depletion and climate change. Here we develop a Bayesian probabilistic model for CFC-11, 12, and 113 banks and their emissions, incorporating the broadest range of constraints to date. We find that bank sizes of CFC-11 and CFC-12 are larger than recent international scientific assessments suggested, and can account for much of current estimated CFC-11 and 12 emissions (with the exception of increased CFC-11 emissions after 2012). Left unrecovered, these CFC banks could delay Antarctic ozone hole recovery by about six years and contribute 9 billion metric tonnes of equivalent CO2 emission. Derived CFC-113 emissions are subject to uncertainty, but are much larger than expected, raising questions about its sources.


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