来源:Behavioral and Brain Functions 发布时间:2020/3/25 14:48:42
在家玩了太久电子游戏,我的认知功能会受损么?| Behavioral and Brain Functions

论文标题:Commercial video games and cognitive functions: video game genres and modulating factors of cognitive enhancement

期刊:Behavioral and Brain Functions

作者:Eunhye Choi, Suk-Ho Shin et.al




原文作者:Amy Joint

自3月16日开始的一周,是2020年的Brain Awareness Week,这一主题活动旨在提高公众对脑科学研究的热情,并进一步支持相关研究。在这个主题的启发之前,我们将在接下来的分享中介绍一篇发表在BMC旗下开放获取期刊 Behavioral and Brain Functions 上的一篇综述文章,谈谈不同类型的商业电子游戏,以及它们与认知功能的关系。

图片来源:Kerkez / Getty Images / iStock


• 传统游戏——在线拼图,纸牌和棋盘游戏,包括单人纸牌游戏

• 模拟游戏——运动,驾驶或生活模拟游戏,如模拟人生

• 战略游戏——全球视野下的实时游戏,例如《孢子(Spore)》和《星际争霸(Starcraft)》

• 动作游戏——根据角色是否可见,分为第三人称(如《堡垒之夜(Fortnite)》)和第一人称(如《使命召唤(Call of Duty)》)

• 幻想游戏——允许探索幻想的环境,如Skyrim






通过与全球22亿游戏玩家的联系,并就神经科学如何渗透到我们的日常生活中提出正确的问题,这项研究很好的概括了“Brain Awareness Week”存在的目的,即分享脑科学研究对更广泛的世界产生的影响。

Behavioral and Brain Functions is a member of the Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium. The Consortium is an alliance of neuroscience journals that have agreed to accept manuscript reviews from each other. If you submit a revision of your manuscript to another Consortium journal, we can forward the reviews of your manuscript to that journal, should you decide this might be helpful.

Citation Impact

2.457 - 2-year IF

2.710 - 5-year IF

0.747 - SNIP

0.998 - SJR



Unlike the emphasis on negative results of video games such as the impulsive engagement in video games, cognitive training studies in individuals with cognitive deficits showed that characteristics of video game elements were helpful to train cognitive functions. Thus, this study aimed to have a more balanced view toward the video game playing by reviewing genres of commercial video games and the association of video games with cognitive functions and modulating factors. Literatures were searched with search terms (e.g. genres of video games, cognitive training) on database and Google scholar.


video games, of which purpose is players’ entertainment, were found to be positively associated with cognitive functions (e.g. attention, problem solving skills) despite some discrepancy between studies. However, the enhancement of cognitive functions through video gaming was limited to the task or performance requiring the same cognitive functions. Moreover, as several factors (e.g. age, gender) were identified to modulate cognitive enhancement, the individual difference in the association between video game playing and cognitive function was found.


Commercial video games are suggested to have the potential for cognitive function enhancement. As understanding the association between video gaming and cognitive function in a more balanced view is essential to evaluate the potential outcomes of commercial video games that more people reported to engage, this review contributes to provide more objective evidence for commercial video gaming.


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