来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/9/25 9:48:20
在胎盘中观察到黑碳颗粒 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Ambient black carbon particles reach the fetal side of human placenta

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Hannelore Bové, Eva Bongaerts, Eli Slenders, Esmée M. Bijnens, Nelly D. Saenen,Wilfried Gyselaers, Peter Van Eyken, Michelle Plusquin, Maarten B.J. Roeffaers, Marcel Ameloot,Tim S. Nawrot




本周《自然-通讯》发表了一项覆盖28名女性的观察性研究Ambient black carbon particles reach the fetal side of human placenta,研究显示在孕期暴露于空气污染的女性中,其胎盘靠胎儿一侧可发现黑碳颗粒。不过,还需要开展进一步的研究来明确这些颗粒是否能够抵达胎儿。

图1:检测胎盘中黑炭颗粒的实验方案流程图 图源: Bové等


比利时哈塞尔特大学的Tim Nawrot及同事提供证据表明,黑碳颗粒可以在妊娠期间抵达胎盘胎儿侧。他们利用高分辨率成像技术,从5例早产和23例足月生产的胎盘中检测到了黑碳颗粒。作者发现,10位女性在孕期暴露于居住环境中的高水平黑碳颗粒(2.42微克/立方米)之下,另有10位暴露于低水平黑碳颗粒之下(0.63微克/立方米),并且在前者的胎盘中发现的黑碳颗粒水平也更高。


Tim Nawrot及同事在《临床表观遗传学》(Clinical Epigenetics)上发表了一篇综述文章,概述了由空气污染引起的胎盘中的分子变化,包括表观遗传变化。

摘要:Particle transfer across the placenta has been suggested but to date, no direct evidence inreal-life, human context exists. Here we report the presence of black carbon (BC) particles aspart of combustion-derived particulate matter in human placentae using white-light gen-eration under femtosecond pulsed illumination. BC is identified in all screened placentae, withan average (SD) particle count of 0.95 × 104(0.66 × 104) and 2.09 × 104(0.9 × 104) particlesper mm3for low and high exposed mothers, respectively. Furthermore, the placental BC loadis positively associated with mothers’residential BC exposure during pregnancy (0.63–2.42μg per m3). Ourfinding that BC particles accumulate on the fetal side of the placentasuggests that ambient particulates could be transported towards the fetus and represents apotential mechanism explaining the detrimental health effects of pollution from early lifeonwards.


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