来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/9/25 9:48:06
英吉利海峡海豚的皮肤和鲸脂中发现污染物 |《科学报告》

论文标题:High pollutant exposure level of the largest European community of bottlenose dolphins in the English Channel

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Cyrielle Zanuttini, François Gally, Georges Scholl, Jean-Pierre Thomé, Gauthier Eppe ,Krishna Das



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《科学报告》本周发表的一项研究 High pollutant exposure level of the largest European community of bottlenose dolphins in the English Channel 考察了欧洲最大的沿海海豚种群之一,发现这些海豚的鲸脂和皮肤中可能积聚有大量污染物,譬如工业液体和汞。这82头英吉利海峡的海豚体内的汞含量为现已发现的最高水平之一。

图1:英吉利海峡Normanno-Breton海湾的宽吻海豚 图源:GECC


图2:位于英吉利海峡Normanno-Breton海湾的宽吻海豚的取样地点 图源:Zanuttini等

比利时列日大学的Krishna Das和同事选取了82头生活在英吉利海峡Normanno-Breton海湾的野生宽吻海豚,研究它们鲸脂中的有机污染物水平和皮肤中的汞含量。作者在鲸脂中发现了较高的污染物浓度,主要成分为工业液体中的含氯化合物(雄性中为91%、雌性中为92%)。此外,皮肤样本中的汞含量也接近于此前在地中海和佛罗里达大沼泽地宽吻海豚中发现的水平——已知这两个地区的汞污染较为严重。


摘要:The objective of this study was to assess the levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury (T-Hg) in the blubber and skin, respectively, of the free-ranging bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, from the Normanno-Breton Gulf, one of the largest identified coastal population in Europe. Among all the POPs analysed in this study, the ∑NDL-PCBs were the most abundant compounds found in the blubber (mean: 1.33 × 105–0.65 × 105 ng.g−1 lipid weight (lw) for males and females respectively), followed by ∑DDX (1.11 × 104–4.67 × 103 ng.g−1 lw) > ∑DL-PCBs (8.06 × 103–2.62 × 103ng.g−1 lw) > ∑PBDEs (1.95 × 103–0.64 × 103ng.g−1 lw) > dieldrin (1.86 × 103–0.18 × 103 ng.g−1 lw) > ∑endosulfan (405–62 ng.g−1 lw) > HCB (86–52 ng.g−1 lw) > ∑HCHs (47–60 ng.g−1 lw) > ∑chlordane (24–0.97 ng.g−1 lw) > ∑PCDFs (0.3–0.1 ng.g−1 lw) > ∑PCDDs (0.06–0.05 ng.g−1 lw). The T-Hg concentrations were highly variable between individuals (2.45 × 103 ng.g−1 to 21.3 × 103 ng.g−1 dry weight, dw). The reported concentrations are among the highest reported for cetaceans. We strongly recommend that the Normanno-Breton Gulf be a special area of conservation (cSAC) candidate because it contains the last large European population of bottlenose dolphins (rare or threatened within a European context) designated under the EC Habitats Directive.


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