来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/12/31 15:41:53
评估南极臭氧洞恢复的可能延迟时间 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Delay in recovery of the Antarctic ozone hole from unexpected CFC-11 emissions

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:S. S. Dhomse, W. Feng et.al




《自然-通讯》发表的一项建模研究Delay in recovery of the Antarctic ozone hole from unexpected CFC-11 emissions显示,如果近期发现的三氯氟甲烷(CFC-11)排放增长持续下去,可能会让南极臭氧洞的恢复时间延迟十年以上。虽然CFC-11的排放水平和变化趋势仍有许多不确定之处,但快速停止排放或能将延迟时间控制在几年以内。




英国利兹大学的Martyn Chipperfield和同事构建了详细的大气化学输送模型,研究了这些额外排放对极地臭氧恢复造成的影响。作者研究了CFC-11排放的三种可能趋势:一是立即停止排放;二是以一定的排放水平继续;三是在未来十年里逐渐停止排放。模拟显示,排放对臭氧洞的影响迄今较为有限。但是,如果排放以一定的水平持续,臭氧恢复至1980年水平的时间或延迟约18年。如果排放在未来十年里逐渐减少,延迟的时间约在两年左右。

摘要:The Antarctic ozone hole is decreasing in size but this recovery will be affected by atmospheric variability and any unexpected changes in chlorinated source gas emissions. Here, using model simulations, we show that the ozone hole will largely cease to occur by 2065 given compliance with the Montreal Protocol. If the unusual meteorology of 2002 is repeated, an ozone-hole-free-year could occur as soon as the early 2020s by some metrics. The recently discovered increase in CFC-11 emissions of ~ 13 Gg yr−1 may delay recovery. So far the impact on ozone is small, but if these emissions indicate production for foam use much more CFC-11 may be leaked in the future. Assuming such production over 10 years, disappearance of the ozone hole will be delayed by a few years, although there are significant uncertainties. Continued, substantial future CFC-11 emissions of 67 Gg yr−1 would delay Antarctic ozone recovery by well over a decade.


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