利用基因“时钟”预测脊椎动物的寿命 |《科学报告》 |
论文标题:A genomic predictor of lifespan in vertebrates
期刊:Scientific Reports
作者:Benjamin Mayne, Oliver Berry et.al
本周《科学报告》发表的一项研究A genomic predictor of lifespan invertebrates报告了一种采用基因标记来准确估算不同脊椎动物物种寿命的模型。这个“寿命时钟”筛选了CpG位点的42个特定基因,以预测某脊椎动物物种成员可能拥有多长的寿命。(CpG位点是DNA上的短片段,其密度与寿命相关。)
澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织,印度洋海洋研究中心,环境经济未来科学平台的Benjamin Mayne等人在构建模型时,采用了252种寿命已知的脊椎动物的参考基因组,鉴定出了42个可能可以预测寿命的基因。作者发现,这些基因中的CpG密度对脊椎动物(包括已灭绝物种)的寿命具有较高的预测性。
摘要:Biological ageing and its mechanistic underpinnings are of immense biomedical and ecological significance. Ageing involves the decline of diverse biological functions and places a limit on a species’ maximum lifespan. Ageing is associated with epigenetic changes involving DNA methylation. Furthermore, an analysis of mammals showed that the density of CpG sites in gene promoters, which are targets for DNA methylation, is correlated with lifespan. Using 252 whole genomes and databases of animal age and promotor sequences, we show a pattern across vertebrates. We also derive a predictive lifespan clock based on CpG density in a selected set of promoters. The lifespan clock accurately predicts maximum lifespan in vertebrates (R2 = 0.76) from the density of CpG sites within only 42 selected promoters. Our lifespan clock provides a wholly new method for accurately estimating lifespan using genome sequences alone and enables estimation of this challenging parameter for both poorly understood and extinct species.