来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/10/28 13:41:26
4.8亿年前的三叶虫排成一排 |《科学报告》

论文标题:Collective behaviour in 480-million-year-old trilobite arthropods from Morocco

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Jean Vannier, Muriel Vidal et.al


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41598-019-51012-3


古节肢动物化石被发现呈线状队列形态,这或许标志着一种响应环境的集体行为或季节性生殖迁徙。这一发现意味着堪比现代动物的集体行为可能早在4.8亿年前就已存在。相关研究成果Collective behaviour in 480-millionyear-old trilobite arthropods from Morocco 发表在本周的《科学报告》上。

图1:Ampyx priscus线形群 Thoral, 1935, 摩洛哥早奥陶世(Zagora 区域). 图源:Vannier等


法国里昂大学的Jean Vannier及同事描述了来自摩洛哥早奥陶世(大约4.8亿年前)的若干Ampyx priscus的线型群,这些三叶虫长约16-22毫米,身体前部有一根结实的刺,而背部有一对非常长的刺。





摘要:Interactions and coordination between conspecific individuals have produced a remarkable variety of collective behaviours. This co-operation occurs in vertebrate and invertebrate animals and is well expressed in the group flight of birds, fish shoals and highly organized activities of social insects. How individuals interact and why they co-operate to constitute group-level patterns has been extensively studied in extant animals through a variety mechanistic, functional and theoretical approaches. Although collective and social behaviour evolved through natural selection over millions of years, its origin and early history has remained largely unknown. In-situ monospecific linear clusters of trilobite arthropods from the lower Ordovician (ca 480 Ma) of Morocco are interpreted here as resulting either from a collective behaviour triggered by hydrodynamic cues in which mechanical stimulation detected by motion and touch sensors may have played a major role, or from a possible seasonal reproduction behaviour leading to the migration of sexually mature conspecifics to spawning grounds, possibly driven by chemical attraction (e.g. pheromones). This study confirms that collective behaviour has a very ancient origin and probably developed throughout the Cambrian-Ordovician interval, at the same time as the first animal radiation events.


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