作者: 来源:科学网 www.sciencenet.cn 发布时间:2013-4-19 16:21:34
Can’t Get you Out of My Head: How to Control the Song Stuck in Your Mind
Why do some songs get stuck in our heads? Is it their simplicity and repetitiveness, because they’re annoying, or because they’re an old favorite? New research into ‘earworms’ has found that contrary to belief, it is songs which people know and like which are most likely to become mentally struck on repeat. The team also explored the role of memory cues in the environment, the likelihood of a new song becoming an earworm within 24 hours of first hearing it, and the connection to mind wandering. The results show that overloading the brain with challenging activities can increase the frequency of earworms, a discovery which may prove valuable to understanding intrusive thoughts.
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