作者: 来源:科学网 www.sciencenet.cn 发布时间:2013-4-19 16:21:29
“虎妈”型育儿方式鼓励母亲们成为严格的管教者,这样的母亲往往对孩子取得成功具有疯狂热情。但种族或者阶级因素在父母对待孩子学习成绩差这一问题时作用如何呢?《社会科学季刊》(Social Science Quarterly)最近发表的新研究探索了父母的育儿哲学及其对孩子学习成绩的作用。
“或许最恼人的发现是,对低于预期学习表现而采取的处罚的教养理念,对黑人孩子产生的负面影响比对白人孩子的更大。尤其不幸的是,如前所述,黑人父母更倾向于对学习表现不好的孩子采用这样的处理方式,”作者Keith Robinson博士如是说。
Tiger Moms or Permissive Parents: Are Parental Responses to Low Grades Driven by Race?
The ‘Tiger Mom’ parenting style encourages mothers to be strict disciplinarians with a maniacal zeal for vicarious success, but just how important is race or class when it comes to the ways parents deal with academic underachievement in their children? New research in Social Science Quarterlyexplores parenting philosophies and the consequences for children’s academic achievement.
The study focused on black and white families in the United States and found that black parents were more likely to respond to low grades with punitive punishments compared to white parents. The authors hypothesize that this stems from an underlying parental philosophy whereby black parents view child-parent conflicts in terms of respect or obedience, while white parents see such conflict as establishing personal jurisdiction. Across races the authors found the punitive approach to ultimately be harmful for children’s achievement.
“Perhaps the most troubling finding reveals that a punitive parenting philosophy for dealing with academic performance that is lower than expected seems more negatively associated with blacks than whites. This is particularly unfortunate because, as previously noted, black parents are much more likely to employ these responses to inadequate achievement,” said author Dr. Keith Robinson.
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