来源:科学网 发布时间:2023/8/25 11:56:25
爱荷华州立大学教授Aaron J. Rossini讲述利用灵敏度增强型固态核磁共振光谱测定无机纳米材料的分子结构








北京时间2023年8月25日晚八点,iCANX Talks邀请到爱荷华州立大学Aaron J. Rossini进行分享!更多精彩,敬请期待!


Aaron J. Rossini

Iowa State University

Molecular Structure Determination of Inorganic Nanomaterials by Sensitivity-Enhanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy


The molecular level structure of materials gives rise to their properties. However, it is challenging to determine the structure of materials that lack long-range order, making it difficult to form structure-property relationships. My research group develops and applies solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) spectroscopy to obtain detailed structural models of materials. SSNMR spectroscopy is amongst the most powerful atomic level characterization technique for solids because it can measure inter-atomic distances, and probe chemical bonding and symmetry with element specificity in both ordered and amorphous systems. In this talk, I will illustrate how sensitivity-enhanced SSNMR spectroscopy techniques can be applied to study the structures of inorganic nanomaterials such as semiconductor nanoparticles, disordered 2D materials, and heterogeneous catalysts.

材料的分子结构决定了其特性。然而,确定缺乏长程有序的材料结构是具有挑战性的,很难形成结构-性能关系。我的研究小组开发并应用固态核磁共振(SSNMR)光谱技术,以获得材料的详细结构模型。SSNMR 光谱是最强大的固体原子级表征技术之一,它可以测量原子间距离,并以元素特异性探测有序和无定形系统中的化学键和对称性。在本讲座中,我将说明如何将灵敏度增强的 SSNMR 光谱技术应用于研究无机纳米材料(如半导体纳米粒子、无序二维材料和异质催化剂)的结构。


Aaron Rossini is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Iowa State University and a Faculty Scientist at the US DOE Ames Laboratory. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed publications. His independent research was recognized with a Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 2020 and he was awarded the Caldarelli Prize in Magnetic Resonance for Young Investigators at the 2019 Alpine Conference on Magnetic Resonance. He completed his PhD studies in September 2010 at the University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, under the supervision of Prof. Robert W. Schurko. In 2011 he moved to Lyon, France to work with Prof. Lyndon Emsley and Dr. Anne Lesage at the Centre de Resonance Magnetique Nucleaire à Très Haut Champs (CRMN Lyon) at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon) as a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow. In October 2014 he moved to École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland to continue working with Prof. Emsley. In August 2015, he moved to Ames, Iowa to join the Department of Chemistry at Iowa State University as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in August 2021 and to Full Professor in August 2023.

Aaron Rossini博士是爱荷华州立大学化学系教授,也是美国能源部Ames实验室的科学家。他发表了150多篇经同行评审的论文。他的独立研究在2020年获得了阿尔弗雷德-斯隆研究奖学金,并在2019年阿尔卑斯山磁共振会议上获得了卡尔达雷利青年研究者磁共振奖。2010年9月,他在加拿大安大略省温莎市温莎大学完成了博士学业,导师是 Robert W. Schurko 教授。2011年,他前往法国里昂,在里昂高等师范学院核磁共振中心(CRMN Lyon)与 Lyndon Emsley 教授和 Anne Lesage 博士一起工作,担任玛丽-居里国际来访研究员。2014年10月,他来到瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL),继续与 Emsley 教授合作。2015年8月,他搬到爱荷华州艾姆斯加入爱荷华州立大学化学系,担任助理教授。他于2021年8月晋升为副教授,并于2023年8月晋升为正教授。

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