SEL | 烟气脱硫石膏对两种农业土壤水溶性磷流失的影响 |
论文标题:Use of flue gas desulfurization gypsum to reduce dissolved phosphorus in runoff and leachate from two agricultural soils
期刊:Soil Ecology Letters
作者:Yumei Mao, Xiaoping Li, Warren A. Dick , Linkui Cao
发表时间:18 Apr 2022
DOI: 10.1007/s42832-022-0135-5
Use of flue gas desulfurization gypsum to reduce dissolved phosphorus in runoff and leachate from two agricultural soils
Yumei Mao, Xiaoping Li, Warren A. Dick, Linkui Cao
Soil Ecology Letters, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42832-022-0135-5
本研究选取美国俄亥俄州两种对比土壤,即粉砂壤土(Wooster)和粘壤土(Hoytville),开展室内模拟实验。以2.95 g·kg-1施磷量模拟高磷土壤,分别在高磷土壤表面施用或者混合施用(模拟免耕和耕作)浓度为0、1.5和15 g·kg-1的烟气脱硫石膏(FGDG),处理后种植黑麦草。分析FGDG的施用量和施用方法对两种农业土壤中DP流失的影响。结果表明:FGDG降低了两种土壤的径流量,增加了两种土壤的渗滤液量。混合(耕作)施用方式与高浓度烟气脱硫石膏具有较强的交互作用。和空白对照相比,混合施用15 g?kg-1FGDG能够减少粉砂壤土径流DP损失33%、渗滤液DP损失38%,减少粘壤土径流DP损失46%、渗滤液DP损失14%。此外,施用FGDG未对土壤pH和总磷(TP)、植物生物量和磷吸收以及重金属相关的生态安全造成任何威胁。研究结果将有助于生产者和管理者在土壤中施用FGDG以减少DP流失和实施改善土壤和水质的最有效管理策略。
Controlling dissolved phosphorus (DP) loss from high P soil to avoid water eutrophication is a worldwide high priority. A greenhouse study was conducted in which flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGDG) was applied by using different application methods and rates to two agricultural soils. Phosphorus fertilizer was incorporated into the soils at 2.95 g kg–1 to simulate soil with high P levels. The FGDG was then applied at amounts of 0, 1.5, and 15 g kg–1 soil on either the soil surface or mixed throughout the soil samples to simulate no-tillage and tillage, respectively. Ryegrass was planted after treatment application. The study showed that FGDG reduced runoff DP loss by 33% and leachate DP loss 38% in silt loam soil, and runoff DP loss 46% and leachate DP loss 14% in clay loam soil, at the treatment of 15 g kg–1 FGDG. Mixing applied method (tillage) provided strong interaction with higher FGDG. To overall effect, the mixing-applied method performed better in controlling DP loss from silt loam soil, while surface-applied (no tillage) showed its advantage in controlling DP loss from clay loam soil. In practice it is necessary to optimize FGDG concentrations, application methods, and DP sources (runoff or leachate) to get maximized benefits of FGDG application. The FGDG application had no negative effects on the soil and ryegrass.
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SEL(Soil Ecology Letters) 2019年正式创刊。定位为土壤生态学领域类高水平科技期刊。旨在全球范围内充分、及时、全面地反映土壤生态学领域研究进展,报道国内外土壤生态学前沿领域高水平的学术成果。
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