来源:BMC Public Health 发布时间:2020/7/22 10:28:11
工作生活不平衡或有害健康 | BMC Public Health

论文标题:Work-life balance and self-reported health among working adults in Europe: a gender and welfare state regime comparative analysis

期刊:BMC Public Health

作者:Aziz Mensah,Nicholas Kofi Adjei et.al




最近发表在开放获取期刊BMC Public Health 上的一项以欧洲上班族为对象的研究显示,工作生活不平衡的人更有可能自诉健康状况不佳。





该研究的第一作者、比勒菲尔德大学的博士研究生Aziz Mensah说:“传统和社会对男女行为的期望,是女性负责照料和家庭活动,男性负责赚钱,这种期望或能解释工作生活不平衡的性别差异以及我们观察到的不良健康后果。”


研究的共同作者、来自莱布尼兹预防研究和流行病学研究所的Nicholas Kofi Adjei博士说:“长时间工作、工作中心理投入的增加、工作时间不灵活和角色超负荷都可能让员工经受工作生活间的冲突。多个国家中都存在社会经济政策不统一的现象,如育儿假、对照顾儿童和老人的支持以及一般的福利和平等政策,都可能会影响工作与家庭生活间的平衡。”



《BMC公共卫生》(BMC Public Health)是一本同行评审的开放获取期刊,主要发表关于流行病学和对公共卫生各个方面理解的文章。期刊特别关注的话题包括会影响健康的社会因素,与健康和疾病相关的环境、行为和职业因素,以及政策、医疗实践和社区干预的影响力。

Citation Impact

2.521 - 2-year IF

3.182 - 5-year IF

1.473 - SNIP

1.198 - SJR



The pressing demands of work over the years have had a significant constraint on the family and social life of working adults. Moreover, failure to achieve a ‘balance’ between these domains of life may have an adverse effect on their health. This study investigated the relationship between work-life conflict and self-reported health among working adults in contemporary welfare countries in Europe.


Data from the 6th European Working Conditions Survey 2015 on 32,275 working adults from 30 countries in Europe were analysed. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to examine the associations between work-life balance and self-reported health among men and women. We further used a 2 stage multi-level logistic regression to assess variations in self-reported health among welfare state regimes by gender.


The results showed a strong association between work-life conflict and poor self-reported health among working adults in Europe (aOR = 2.07; 95% CI: 1.93–2.23). However, the magnitude of the effect differed slightly by gender (men: aOR = 1.97; 95% CI: 1.78–2.18 vs women: aOR = 2.23; 95% CI: 2.01–2.47). Furthermore, we found variations in the relationship between work-life conflict and poor self-reported health between welfare states regimes. The association was found to be weaker in the Nordic and Southern welfare states than the Liberal, Conservative, and Central Eastern European welfare states. Although the associations were more consistent among men than women in the Conservative welfare states regime, we found higher associations for women than men in the Southern, Nordic, Liberal, and Central Eastern European welfare states.


This study provides evidence of some variations in the association between work-life conflict and poor self-reported health among men and women across welfare states regimes in Europe. The results demonstrate the need for governments, organizations and policymakers to provide conducive working conditions and social policies for working adults to deal with competing demands from work and family activities.


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