来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2020/6/24 10:57:42

论文标题:Incidence and risk factors for heat-related illness (heatstroke) in UK dogs under primary veterinary care in 2016

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Emily J. Hall, Anne J. Carter & Dan G. O’Neill




《科学报告》发表的一项研究Incidence and risk factors for heat-related illness (heatstroke) in UKdogs under primary veterinary care in 2016发现,年龄及体重超过犬种平均水平的犬或头部较短、脸部较平的犬患热相关疾病的风险更高。

为了统计热射病(heatstroke)发病率,英国诺丁汉特伦特大学Emily Hall和同事调查了2016年在英国接受兽医护理的905543只犬的匿名电子记录,包括395例(0.04%)热相关疾病确诊病例,其中56例为死亡病例(病死率14.18%)体重处于或超过犬种平均水平的犬的热相关疾病患病率是体重低于犬种平均水平的犬的1.42倍。无论犬种平均体重为多少,体重50kg或以上的犬的热相关疾病患病率是体重10kg以下的犬的3.42倍。6到8岁的犬以及12岁以上的犬的热相关疾病患病率分别是2岁以下犬的1.53倍和1.75倍。




As climate change causes global temperatures to rise, heat-related illness, a potentially fatal condition in dogs, will become an ever-greater threat. This study aimed to report the incidence, fatality and canine risk factors of heat-related illness in UK dogs under primary veterinary care in 2016. The VetCompassTM programme collects de-identified electronic patient records from UK veterinary practices for research. From the clinical records of 905,543 dogs under veterinary care in 2016, 395 confirmed heat-related illness events were identified. The estimated 2016 incidence of heat-related illness was 0.04% (95% CI 0.04-0.05%), with an event fatality rate of 14.18% (95% CI 11.08 – 17.96%). Multivariable analysis identified significant risk factors including breed (e.g. Chow Chow, Bulldog and French Bulldog), higher bodyweight relative to the breed/sex mean and being over two years of age. Dogs with a brachycephalic skull shape and dogs weighing over 50 kg were also at greater risk. As we move into an ever-warmer world, veterinary professionals may need to include resistance to heat-related illness amongst their rationales when advising owners on breed selection. Breeding for good respiratory function and maintaining a healthy bodyweight should be considered key welfare priorities for all dogs to limit the risk of heat-related illness.


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