来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2020/6/24 10:57:43
对聚合物批次不敏感的高性能有机太阳能电池| Nature Communications

论文标题:Optimized active layer morphology toward efficient and polymer batch insensitive organic solar cells

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Kangkang Weng, Linglong Ye et al.




近期,北京航空航天大学化学学院孙艳明教授和上海交通大学刘烽教授合作,在Nature Communications 上发表题为“Optimized active layer morphology toward efficient and polymer batch insensitive organic solar cells”的研究论文,报道了一种对聚合物批次不敏感的高性能有机太阳能电池的制备方法。


图1:(a) PT2与Y6的分子式; (b) 逐层沉积法制备流程示意图;(c) 逐层沉积法(SD)与旋涂法(BC)制备的有机太阳能J-V特性曲线; (d) 缝模印刷法制备的大面积有机太阳能J-V特性曲线;(d)基于批次PT2的SD和BC有机太阳能的J-V特性曲线。

在本研究中,作者结合他们前期提出的“纤维网络策略(FNS)”与逐层沉积法(SD),实现了对活性层形貌的有效控制,成功制备了大面积且对聚合物批次不敏感的高效率有机太阳能电池。PT2给体聚合物先形成纤维网络薄膜,然后Y6受体小分子扩散到到纤维网络中,从而形成理想的给受体互穿网络形貌。逐层沉积法制备的有机太阳能电池光电转换效率高达16.5%(中国计量院认证效率为16.1%)。作者利用狭缝涂布法制备了大面积SD器件,当器件有效面积为0.8 cm2时,光电转换效率为14.6%。此外,作者发现相比较于直接旋涂法,FNS-SD方法提高了PT2聚合物的结晶性,减弱了PT2和Y6间相互作用,可以更有效调控活性层形貌,且形貌对聚合物批次不敏感,基于不同聚合物批次的有机光伏器件效率均高于16%。



Morphology control in laboratory and industry setting remains as a major challenge for organic solar cells (OSCs) due to the difference in film-drying kinetics between spin coating and the printing process. A two-step sequential deposition method is developed to control the active layer morphology. A conjugated polymer that self-assembles into a well-defined fibril structure is used as the first layer, and then a non-fullerene acceptor is introduced into the fibril mesh as the second layer to form an optimal morphology. A benefit of the combined fibril network morphology and non-fullerene acceptor properties was that a high efficiency of 16.5% (certified as 16.1%) was achieved. The preformed fibril network layer and the sequentially deposited non-fullerene acceptor form a robust morphology that is insensitive to the polymer batches, solving a notorious issue in OSCs. Such progress demonstrates that the utilization of polymer fibril networks in a sequential deposition process is a promising approach towards the fabrication of high-efficiency OSCs.


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