作者:Dahua Ma, Hao Yan et al. 来源:BMC Nephrology 发布时间:2020/6/3 12:44:21
如何实施腹膜透析中的腹主动脉钙化检查 | BMC Nephrolog

论文标题:Abdominal aortic calcification score as a predictor of clinical outcome in peritoneal dialysis patients: a prospective cohort study

期刊:BMC Nephrology

作者:Dahua Ma, Hao Yan et al.




BMC Nephrolog 的博客编辑Daphne Harrington Knicely博士推荐了一篇由Ma和同事撰写的评价腹主动脉钙化评分(AACS)在腹膜透析(PD)患者中的预后价值,并讨论如何在该患者群中以最优的方式使用AACS的文章。

有心血管问题的终末期肾病患者比有同样问题的普通人群死亡率更高。在这个患者群体里,血管钙化导致的心血管疾病上升的风险和总死亡率的升高,很大程度上归因于矿物质骨疾病这一非传统危险因素。分析血液透析患者的多项研究表明,使用X光平片能有效地确定腹主动脉钙化和心血管疾病。Cho和同事最近发现,从 X射线计算机断层成像得到的腹主动脉钙化评分(AACS)是严重冠状动脉钙化的独立危险因素和血液透析患者患心血管疾病的预测因子。Zhu和同事发现,腹主动脉钙化在血液透析患者中很普遍,并且有可能通过X线平片来预测心血管疾病的死亡率。但是在腹膜透析(PD)患者中尚未进行过类似的研究。

Ma和同事于近期在BMC Nephrology 上发表的一项研究检验了AACS对PD患者的主要不良心血管事件(MACCE)和死亡率的预测作用。这项研究是一项单中心的前瞻性队列研究,利用腰椎侧位X线片来确定292例PD患者的AACS。研究发现,患者人群的中位PD持续时间为28.4个月,四分之一的患者有糖尿病史,三分之一的患者有心血管疾病史。平均AACS为2.0。研究人员将入组的患者分为三分位数:低(即AACS = 0),中(AACS = 1-4)和高(ACS> 4)。随访时间平均为43.6个月,有65例MACCE和84例死亡。值得注意的是,AACS与年龄、PD病程、心血管疾病和糖尿病相关。Ma和同事观察到,上三分位数的AACS中,MACCE的累积发生率和全因死亡率显著更高。





Abdominal aortic calcification assessed by X-ray is recommended to evaluate vascular calcification in dialysis patients. It has been shown that abdominal aortic calcification score (AACS) is a predictor of adverse outcomes in hemodialysis patients, but evidence regarding its prognostic value in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients is still insufficient. We aimed to examine the predictive role of AACS for major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) and mortality in PD patients.


Eligible patients undergoing PD between July 2011 and July 2014 were recruited. AACS was quantified using lateral lumbar radiography at recruitment. Patients were prospectively followed up until death, PD cessation, or to the end of the study (August 31, 2018). Both subdistribution hazards and cause-specific hazards models were used to evaluate the association between AACS and MACCE as well as mortality.


292 patients were enrolled, including 160 males (54.8%) with mean age 57.1 ± 15.2 years and median PD duration 28.4 (IQR 12.0, 57.8) months. Among them, 75 (25.7%) patients were comorbid with diabetes, and 94 (32.2%) patients had cardiovascular disease (CVD). The average AACS was 2.0 (0.0, 6.0). Patients were categorized on the tertiles of AACS (Low AACS group, AACS = 0, n = 125; Medium AACS group, AACS 1–4, n = 72; and High AACS group, AACS> 4, n = 95). AACS was associated with age (OR = 1.081, P < 0.001), PD duration (OR = 1.012, P = 0.003), CVD (OR = 1.919, P = 0.020) and diabetes (OR = 2.554, P = 0.002). During the follow-up period of 43.6 (24.6, 50.7) months, there were 65 MACCEs and 84 deaths. Significantly higher cumulative incidences of all-cause mortality (Log-rank = 35.992, P<0.001; Gray = 38.662, P < 0.001) and MACCE (Log-rank = 26.146, P<0.001; Gray = 27.810, P < 0.001) were observed in the upper AACS tertile. AACS was an independent predictor of all-cause mortality (HR = 2.438, 95% CI 1.246–4.772, P = 0.009; SHR = 2.323, 95%CI 1.229–4.389, P = 0.009) and MACCE (HR = 3.455, 95% CI 1.734–6.884, P < 0.001; SHR = 3.063, 95%CI 1.460–6.430, P = 0.003) in this study.


AACS was associated with age, PD duration, CVD and diabetes in PD patients. AACS could predict MACCE and all-cause mortality in this population. It thus might be a safe and feasible method to identify PD patients with adverse outcomes.


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