来源:BMC 发布时间:2020/5/27 10:32:45
BMC聚焦后疫情时代 | 这些关于心理健康的研究值得关注

英文标题:Coronavirus research highlights




除了针对病毒本身、传染病学、疫苗研发的最新研究,我们并不想忽视由疫情引发的一系列问题,诸如工作生活的平衡,缺乏社交或造成的心理健康问题,儿童、老人与孕妇的特别需求等。鉴于此,我们会定期选取BMC旗舰及系列期刊中的相关文章,包括但不限于生物医学、基因研究领域的顶级期刊也是BMC旗舰刊的BMC Biology,BMC Medicine,Genome Biology,Genome Medicine;关注公众卫生及感染病的BMC Public Health,BMC Infectious Diseases;致力于精神病学及治疗的BMC Psychiatry;关注妇女、儿童、老人的学术期刊BMC Womens Health,BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth,BMC Geriatrics,BMC Pediatrics 以及探究补充治疗方案的BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies



Can mental health treatments help prevent or reduce intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income countries? A systematic review



The power of support from companion animals for people living with mental health problems: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the evidence



Prevalence of problematic smartphone usage and associated mental health outcomes amongst children and young people: a systematic review, meta-analysis and GRADE of the evidence


本文通过系统评价和Meta分析研究了智能手机使用问题的普遍性及其和心理健康问题的相关性。结果表明儿童和青少年中存在智能手机使用问题的比例达23.3% (14.0–31.2%)。智能手机使用问题与抑郁、焦虑、压力的增加以及睡眠质量下降相关。智能手机使用问题已经成为日渐严重的公共卫生问题,需要进一步权衡科技所带来的利弊,并制定相关政策减少智能手机的危害。

Measuring character strengths as possible protective factors against suicidal ideation in older Chinese adults: a cross-sectional study



Optimising strategies to address mental ill-health in doctors and medical students: ‘Care Under Pressure’ realist review and implementation guidance




Citation Impact

1.592 - 2-year IF

2.297 - 5-year IF

1.097 - SNIP

0.887 - SJR

BMC Womens Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the health and wellbeing of adolescent girls and women, with a particular focus on the physical, mental, and emotional health of women in developed and developing nations. The journal welcomes submissions on womens public health issues, health behaviours, breast cancer, gynecological diseases, mental health and health promotion.

Citation Impact

2.666 - 2-year IF

3.302 - 5-year IF

1.285 - SNIP

1.306 - SJR

BMC Psychiatry is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of psychiatric disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology.

Citation Impact

2.567 - 2-year IF

3.275 - 5-year IF

1.342 - SNIP

1.382 - SJR

BMC Public Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on the epidemiology of disease and the understanding of all aspects of public health. The journal has a special focus on the social determinants of health, the environmental, behavioral, and occupational correlates of health and disease, and the impact of health policies, practices and interventions on the community.

Citation Impact

8.285 - 2-year IF

9.428 - 5-year IF

2.69 - SNIP

4.099 - SJR

BMC Medicine is the flagship medical journal of the BMC series. An open access, open peer-reviewed general medical journal, BMC Medicine publishes outstanding and influential research in all areas of clinical practice, translational medicine, medical and health advances, public health, global health, policy, and general topics of interest to the biomedical and sociomedical professional communities. We also publish stimulating debates and reviews as well as unique forum articles and concise tutorials.


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