来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/8/20 19:29:38
高原小猪的基因选择 |《科学报告》

论文标题:Population Genomics Analysis Revealed Origin and High-altitude Adaptation of Tibetan Pigs

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Yun-Fei Ma,Xu-Man Han,Cui-Ping Huang,Li Zhong,Adeniyi C. Adeola,David M. Irwin,Hai-Bing Xie,Ya-Ping Zhang



原产于青藏高原的藏猪(Tibetan pig)是如何在进化中逐步适应高海拔环境的呢?来自中国科学院昆明动物研究所的研究人员近期在Scientific Reports上发表文章,展示了他们透过基因组分析对藏猪的进化过程的新理解,该研究对提高我们对动物适应高海拔环境的认识具有重要意义。



摘要:Tibetan pig is native to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and has adapted to the high-altitude environmental condition such as hypoxia. However, its origin and genetic mechanisms underlying high-altitude adaptation still remain controversial and enigmatic. Herein, we analyze 229 genomes of wild and domestic pigs from Eurasia, including 63 Tibetan pigs, and detect 49.6 million high-quality variants. Phylogenomic and structure analyses show that Tibetan pigs have a close relationship with low-land domestic pigs in China, implying a common domestication origin. Positively selected genes in Tibetan pigs involved in high-altitude physiology, such as hypoxia, cardiovascular systems, UV damage, DNA repair. Three of loci with strong signals of selection are associated with EPAS1, CYP4F2, and THSD7A genes, related to hypoxia and circulation. We validated four non-coding mutations nearby EPAS1 and CYP4F2 showing reduced transcriptional activity in Tibetan pigs. A high-frequency missense mutation is found in THSD7A (Lys561Arg) in Tibetan pigs. The selective sweeps in Tibetan pigs was found in association with selection against non-coding variants, indicating an important role of regulatory mutations in Tibetan pig evolution. This study is important in understanding the evolution of Tibetan pigs and advancing our knowledge on animal adaptation to high-altitude environments.


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