来源:Infectious Diseases of Poverty 发布时间:2019/7/8 15:19:31
气候变化对媒传疾病的影响及应对策略 | Infectious Diseases of Poverty

论文标题:Impact of past and on-going changes on climate and weather on vector-borne diseases transmission: a look at the evidence

期刊:Infectious Diseases of Poverty

作者:Florence Fouque and John C. Reeder





疟疾、黄热病、莱姆病、鼠疫、登革热和利什曼病等媒传疾病(Vector-Borne Diseases, VBDs)每年会导致全球70万人死亡。目前,VBDs主要分布在热带和温暖气候条件下,全年传播,而地球变暖会改变这一现状。

Florence Fouque和她的同事研究了气候变化对媒传疾病的影响,并将研究成果发表在了Infectious Diseases of Poverty 上,题目为Impact of past and on-going changes on climate and weather on vector-borne diseases transmission: a look at the evidence。在下文中,Fouque分享了一些关于如何应对气候变化对媒传疾病影响的思考。


图片来源:Florence Fourque


已经有许多证据表明,气温和降雨变化以及极端气候事件可对许多疾病产生影响,Infectious Diseases of Poverty 也发表过不少相关论文。为减缓气候变化,一些国家和国际组织制定了相关干预措施和政策,大多数国家已经采取了具体行动来应对气候变化对公共卫生的影响。


有效预防VBDs必须要有一个适当的监测系统。这个系统不仅要能报告和分析病情案例以及相关人群的健康/免疫状态,还需要能按照标准指标(如世界卫生组织登革热监测系统,WHO Dengue surveillance system)定期调查向量的丰度与分布。

与此同时,这样的监测系统需要专业人员收集、识别和报告在不同阶段的感兴趣 的病媒个体。此外,由于病媒很容易跨越各国及地区之间的地理边界,监测系统必须通过国家间的信息交流和定期会议来完成跨国界的合作,从而共同协调干预行动。例如,在欧洲,埃及伊蚊从上世纪70年代末进入南欧,目前已到达法国和德国的北部界限,欧洲疾病控制中心(ECDC)随即展开了欧洲国家之间的合作。












The climate variables that directly influence vector-borne diseases’ ecosystems are mainly temperature and rainfall. This is not only because the vectors bionomics are strongly dependent upon these variables, but also because most of the elements of the systems are impacted, such as the host behavior and development and the pathogen amplification. The impact of the climate changes on the transmission patterns of these diseases is not easily understood, since many confounding factors are acting together. Consequently, knowledge of these impacts is often based on hypothesis derived from mathematical models. Nevertheless, some direct evidences can be found for several vector-borne diseases.

Main body

Evidences of the impact of climate change are available for malaria, arbovirus diseases such as dengue, and many other parasitic and viral diseases such as Rift Valley Fever, Japanese encephalitis, human African trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis. The effect of temperature and rainfall change as well as extreme events, were found to be the main cause for outbreaks and are alarming the global community. Among the main driving factors, climate strongly influences the geographical distribution of insect vectors, which is rapidly changing due to climate change. Further, in both models and direct evidences, climate change is seen to be affecting vector-borne diseases more strikingly in fringe of different climatic areas often in the border of transmission zones, which were once free of these diseases with human populations less immune and more receptive. The impact of climate change is also more devastating because of the unpreparedness of Public Health systems to provide adequate response to the events, even when climatic warning is available. Although evidences are strong at the regional and local levels, the studies on impact of climate change on vector-borne diseases and health are producing contradictory results at the global level.


In this paper we discuss the current state of the results and draw on evidences from malaria, dengue and other vector-borne diseases to illustrate the state of current thinking and outline the need for further research to inform our predictions and response.




Infectious Diseases of Poverty(https://idpjournal.biomedcentral.com/, 2.708 - 2-year Impact Factor, 3.126 - 5-year Impact Factor) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing topic areas and methods that address essential public health questions relating to infectious diseases of poverty. These include various aspects of the biology of pathogens and vectors, diagnosis and detection, treatment and case management, epidemiology and modeling, zoonotic hosts and animal reservoirs, control strategies and implementation, new technologies and application. Transdisciplinary or multisectoral effects on health systems, ecohealth, environmental management, and innovative technology are also considered.


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