来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/6/20 15:04:04
宠物狗或能反映主人的压力水平 | 《科学报告》

论文标题:Long-term stress levels are synchronized in dogs and their owners

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Ann-Sofie Sundman, Enya Van Poucke, Ann-Charlotte Svensson Holm, Åshild Faresjö, Elvar Theodorsson, Per Jensen, Lina S. V. Roth



原文链接: http://t.cn/AiNSYZZi


根据《科学报告》发表的一项涉及58只宠物狗及其主人的研究Long-term stress levels are synchronized in dogs and their owners,狗主人的长期压力与狗的压力水平上升相关。

图1 图源:Pixabay

瑞典林雪平大学的Lina Roth及同事测量了33只喜乐蒂牧羊犬和25只边境牧羊犬及其主人的毛发皮质醇浓度,以此确定他们在一年时间内的压力水平。作者发现,当狗主人的皮质醇水平上升时,其宠物狗的皮质醇水平也会上升——在母犬身上表现尤其明显。这意味着宠物狗及其主人的压力水平可能是同步的。这种关联在冬季和夏季也能观察到,这表明皮质醇水平的季节性波动没有影响压力的同步。




摘要:This study reveals, for the first time, an interspecific synchronization in long-term stress levels. Previously, acute stress, has been shown to be highly contagious both among humans and between individuals of other species. Here, long-term stress synchronization in dogs and their owners was investigated. We studied 58 dog-human dyads and analyzed their hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) at two separate occasions, reflecting levels during previous summer and winter months. The personality traits of both dogs and their owners were determined through owner-completed Dog Personality Questionnaire (DPQ) and human Big Five Inventory (BFI) surveys. In addition, the dogs’ activity levels were continuously monitored with a remote cloud-based activity collar for one week. Shetland sheepdogs (N = 33) and border collies (N = 25), balanced for sex, participated, and both pet dogs and actively competing dogs (agility and obedience) were included to represent different lifestyles. The results showed significant interspecies correlations in long-term stress where human HCC from both summer and winter samplings correlated strongly with dog HCC (summer: N = 57, χ2 = 23.697, P < 0.001, β = 0.235; winter: N = 55, χ2 = 13.796, P < 0.001, β = 0.027). Interestingly, the dogs’ activity levels did not affect HCC, nor did the amount of training sessions per week, showing that the HCC levels were not related to general physical activity. Additionally, there was a seasonal effect in HCC. However, although dogs’ personalities had little effects on their HCC, the human personality traits neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness significantly affected dog HCC. Hence, we suggest that dogs, to a great extent, mirror the stress level of their owners.

阅读论文全文请访问: http://t.cn/AiNSYZZi

期刊介绍:Scientific Reports (https://www.nature.com/srep/) is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

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