来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/6/20 14:56:32
亲近大自然与良好的身心健康相关 | 《科学报告》

论文标题:Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Mathew P. White, Ian Alcock, James Grellier, Benedict W. Wheeler, Terry Hartig, Sara L. Warber, Angie Bone, Michael H. Depledge, Lora E. Fleming


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41598-019-44097-3



根据《科学报告》发表的一项研究Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing每周在自然环境中待上至少120分钟与良好的身心健康相关。

英国埃克塞特大学的Mathew White及同事以英国的19,806名成年人为研究对象,调查其在过去一周在自然环境中待了多长时间以及他们自我报告的身心健康状态。研究中所指的自然环境包括田野和林地,但不包括自己的花园。作者表明,自我报告在自然环境中待了120分钟或更长时间的人更有可能报告身心健康状态良好。

图1 图源:VisualHunt



摘要:Spending time in natural environments can benefit health and well-being, but exposure-response relationships are under-researched. We examined associations between recreational nature contact in the last seven days and self-reported health and well-being. Participants (n = 19,806) were drawn from the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment Survey (2014/15–2015/16); weighted to be nationally representative. Weekly contact was categorised using 60 min blocks. Analyses controlled for residential greenspace and other neighbourhood and individual factors. Compared to no nature contact last week, the likelihood of reporting good health or high well-being became significantly greater with contact ≥120 mins (e.g. 120–179 mins: ORs [95%CIs]: Health = 1.59 [1.31–1.92]; Well-being = 1.23 [1.08–1.40]). Positive associations peaked between 200–300 mins per week with no further gain. The pattern was consistent across key groups including older adults and those with long-term health issues. It did not matter how 120 mins of contact a week was achieved (e.g. one long vs. several shorter visits/week). Prospective longitudinal and intervention studies are a critical next step in developing possible weekly nature exposure guidelines comparable to those for physical activity.


期刊介绍:Scientific Reports (https://www.nature.com/srep/) is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

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