来源:BMC Medicine 发布时间:2019/5/20 17:18:20
麻疹卷土重来?不给扎你就别上学 | BMC Medicine

论文标题:The introduction of ‘No jab, No school’ policy and the refinement of measles immunisation strategies in high-income countries

期刊:BMC Medicine

作者:Filippo Trentini, Piero Poletti, Alessia Melegaro and Stefano Merler





最近发表在开放获取期刊BMC Medicine 上的一项研究显示,澳大利亚、爱尔兰、意大利、英国和美国现行的疫苗政策可能不足以实现和维持消除麻疹的目标,并且不足以预防未来麻疹的再度出现。





研究的第一作者Filippo Trentini博士说:“近年来,我们目睹麻疹在多个国家卷土重来,其中甚至包括世界卫生组织(WHO)已经认定的已达成麻疹消除目标的国家。这次麻疹再现主要是因为疫苗接种的覆盖率不理想。作为麻疹发病率最高的国家之一,意大利政府已经强制要求儿童在进入小学前接种麻疹疫苗。我们调查了这一政策及其他政策在7个高收入国家中加强疫苗接种率的潜力。”

研究的共同作者Stefano Merler博士补充道:“我们的结果表明,除了现行的疫苗接种计划,本研究中的大部分国家都能从入学强制接种政策中大大获益。我们发现这一政策对英国、爱尔兰和美国在未来几十年中保持稳定的免疫水平尤为重要,只有这样才能保证人群中具有免疫力的比例足够高,从而预防未来的疾病爆发。想要切实有效,入学强制接种需要覆盖至少40%的人群。”




In recent years, we witnessed a resurgence of measles even in countries where, according to WHO guidelines, elimination should have already been achieved. In high-income countries, the raise of anti-vaccination movements and parental vaccine hesitancy are posing major challenges for the achievement and maintenance of high coverage during routine programmes. Italy and France approved new regulations, respectively in 2017 and 2018, aimed at raising immunisation rates among children by introducing mandatory vaccination at school entry.


We simulated the evolution of measles immunity profiles in seven distinct countries for the period 2018–2050 and evaluated the effect of possible adjustments of immunisation strategies adopted in the past on the overall fraction and age distribution of susceptible individuals in different high-income demographic settings. The proposed model accounts for country-specific demographic components, current immunity gaps and immunisation activities in 2018. Vaccination strategies considered include the enhancement of coverage for routine programmes already in place and the introduction of a compulsory vaccination at primary school entry in countries where universal school enrolment is likely achieved.


Our model shows that, under current vaccination policies, the susceptible fraction of the population would remain below measles elimination threshold only in Singapore and South Korea. In the UK, Ireland, the USA and Australia either the increase of coverage of routine programmes above 95% or the introduction of a compulsory vaccination at school entry with coverage above 40% are needed to maintain susceptible individuals below 7.5% up to 2050. Although the implementation of mandatory vaccination at school entry would be surely beneficial in Italy, strategies targeting adults would also be required to avoid future outbreaks in this country.


Current vaccination policies are not sufficient to achieve and maintain measles elimination in most countries. Strategies targeting unvaccinated children before they enter primary school can remarkably enhance the fulfilment of WHO targets.




BMC Medicine (https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/, 9.088 - 2-year Impact Factor,9.41 - 5-year Impact Factor) is the flagship medical journal of the BMC series. An open access, open peer-reviewed general medical journal, BMC Medicine publishes outstanding and influential research in all areas of clinical practice, translational medicine, medical and health advances, public health, global health, policy, and general topics of interest to the biomedical and sociomedical professional communities. We also publish stimulating debates and reviews as well as unique forum articles and concise tutorials.


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