来源:Food Production,Processing and Nutrition 发布时间:2019/12/3 15:24:59
增塑剂被蔬菜吸收了吗?| Food Production,Processing and Nutrition

论文标题:Uptake and accumulation of di-n-butyl phthalate in six leafy vegetables under hydroponic conditions

期刊:Food Production,Processing and Nutrition

作者:Yong Li, Huang-qian Yan et.al





来自江苏省农业科学院余向阳研究员课题组的一项研究对比了6种叶菜在水培条件下对邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)的吸收和积累,该研究在线发表在Food Production,Processing and Nutrition上。




抗热四季青 夏帝 青紫油菜

矮脚黄 上海青 高梗白







The Food Production, Processing and Nutrition journal aims to provide a unique dedicated forum for publication of the highest quality and novel contributions in the field. Both fundamental research and applied areas are of interest and these extend to food production with respect to variety improvement and selection as well as green processing. Food safety, elimination of contaminants, and retention of nutrients and bioactive components that play a role in health promotion of consumers, are important aspects that will be covered. Production technologies, absorption, bioavailability and personalized nutrition with consideration of gut microbiota are also of interest to the journal. Results may be communicated in the form of original research, reviews.

摘要:The uptake and accumulation of di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) in six leafy vegetables was investigated under hydroponic conditions. The test vegetables were six varieties of Brassica campestris ssp., including Kangresijiqing (KRSJQ), Xiadiqing (XDQ), Ziyoucai (ZYC), Aijiaohuang (AJH), Shanghaiqing (SHQ) and Gaogengbai (GGB). The root concentration factor (RCF), translocation factor (TF) and transpiration stream concentration factor (TSCF) were calculated in order to compare the difference of uptake and accumulation behaviours of DBP in vegetable varieties. The results showed that DBP was easily concentrated in vegetable roots, but was poorly translocated from the roots to the shoots. Among the six vegetables, the ability of concentrating DBP from the solution to shoots was the highest in GGB, followed by ZYC, KRSJQ, AJH, SHQ and XDQ. High concentrations of DBP (5.0 mg/L) seem to inhibit normal physiological activity in the vegetables, which resulted in a higher RCF and a lower TF and TSCF than in low-concentration treatment. The results will help to evaluate the safety of agricultural products and to provide evidence for screening DBP pollution-safe vegetable cultivars.


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