来源:Communications Biology 发布时间:2019/1/29 14:52:33

论文标题:Representations of time in human frontoparietal cortex

期刊:Communications Biology

作者:Masamichi J. Hayashi, Wietske van der Zwaag, Domenica Bueti, Ryota Kanai


数字识别码: s42003-018-0243-z



近日,在发表于《通讯-生物学》的文章Representations of time in human frontoparietal cortex中,来自大阪大学的Masamichi J. Hayashi及其同事通过使用超高场功能性磁共振成像和多元模式分析,发现时长信息是由多个脑区解码的,包括双侧顶叶皮层、右额下回、以及尚不确定的侧额叶皮层。每个人对于时长判断的准确性各有差异,这种差异与右侧顶叶皮层的解码准确性呈正相关,这意味着对于那些能更准确地把握时间的人来说,他们的大脑展示时长信息的方式更加独特。作者的研究显示,虽然时间映射在各个额顶叶区域,但是右侧顶叶皮层的神经细胞群在估算时间的过程中起着至关重要的作用。


摘要:Precise time estimation is crucial in perception, action and social interaction. Previous neuroimaging studies in humans indicate that perceptual timing tasks involve multiple brain regions; however, whether the representation of time is localized or distributed in the brain remains elusive. Using ultra-high-field functional magnetic resonance imaging combined with multivariate pattern analyses, we show that duration information is decoded in multiple brain areas, including the bilateral parietal cortex, right inferior frontal gyrus and, albeit less clearly, the medial frontal cortex. Individual differences in the duration judgment accuracy were positively correlated with the decoding accuracy of duration in the right parietal cortex, suggesting that individuals with a better timing performance represent duration information in a more distinctive manner. Our study demonstrates that although time representation is widely distributed across frontoparietal regions, neural populations in the right parietal cortex play a crucial role in time estimation.


期刊介绍:Communications Biology(https://www.nature.com/commsbio/) is an open access journal from Nature Research publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of the biological sciences. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances bringing new biological insight to a specialized area of research.


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