作者:Anders Holm 来源:BMC Ophthalmology 发布时间:2018/7/19 14:34:38

论文题目:Amblyopia treatment of adults with dichoptic training using the virtual reality oculus rift head mounted display: preliminary results

期刊:BMC Ophthalmology

作者:Anders Holm





BMC Ophthalmology最近发表关于VR的研究Amblyopia treatment of adults with dichoptic training using the virtual reality oculus rift head mounted display: preliminary results,其目的是评估虚拟现实(VR)头戴式显示设备在屈光参差性弱视成年人中进行分视视觉训练的效果,了解这种治疗方法的潜在效用。

该研究共纳入年龄在17~69岁之间的17例屈光参差性弱视患者(10例男性,7例女性),他们的平均年龄为31.2岁。采用Oculus Rift OC DK2虚拟现实头戴式显示设备(Oculus VR)中运行的电子游戏Diplopia Game(Vivid Vision)对患者进行八次分视训练,每次40分钟,之后评估最佳矫正视力(BCVA)和立体视锐度(Randot立体视检查图)的变化。

弱视眼的平均BCVA值显著改善,logMAR 视力值从分视训练前的0.58 ± 0.35改善为分视训练后的0.43 ± 0.38(P < 0.01)。47%的参与者在分视训练后达到20/40或更高的BCVA值,而在接受分视训练前仅有30%的参与者能达到这一数值。平均立体视锐度从分视训练前的263.3 ± 135.1弧秒改善为训练后176.7 ± 152.4弧秒(p <0.01)。分视训练前共有8例患者(占总参与者人数的47.1%)的立体视锐度无法检测到,分视训练后则减少为2例患者(占总参与者人数的11.8%)。




The gold standard treatments in amblyopia are penalizing therapies, such as patching or blurring vision with atropine that are aimed at forcing the use of the amblyopic eye. However, in the last years, new therapies are being developed and validated, such as dichoptic visual training, aimed at stimulating the amblyopic eye and eliminating the interocular supression.


To evaluate the effect of dichoptic visual training using a virtual reality head mounted display in a sample of anisometropic amblyopic adults and to evaluate the potential usefulness of this option of treatment.


A total of 17 subjects (10 men, 7 women) with a mean age of 31.2 years (range, 17–69 year) and anisometropic amblyopia were enrolled. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and stereoacuity (Stereo Randot graded circle test) changes were evaluated after 8 sessions (40 min per session) of dichoptic training with the computer game Diplopia Game (Vivid Vision) run in the Oculus Rift OC DK2 virtual reality head mounted display (Oculus VR).


Mean BCVA in amblyopic eye improved significantly from a logMAR value of 0.58 ± 0.35 before training to a post-training value of 0.43 ± 0.38 (p < 0.01). Forty-seven percent of the participants achieved BCVA of 20/40 or better after the training as compared to 30% before the training. Mean stereoacuity changed from a value of 263.3 ± 135.1 before dichoptic training to a value of 176.7 ± 152.4 s of arc after training (p < 0.01). A total of 8 patients (47.1%) before dichoptic treatment had unmeasurable stereoacuity while this only occurred in 2 patients (11.8%) after training.


Dichoptic training using a virtual reality head mounted display seems to be an effective option of treatment in adults with anisometropic amblyopia. Future clinical trials are needed to confirm this preliminary evidence.


期刊介绍:BMC Ophthalmology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of eye disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology.

2016 Journal Metrics

Citation Impact

1.586 - 2-year Impact Factor

1.579 - 5-year Impact Factor

0.935 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)


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