来源:Communications Biology 发布时间:2018/6/28 13:06:36

论文标题:Caloric restriction increases lifespan but affects brain integrity in grey mouse lemur primates

期刊:Communications Biology

作者:Fabien Pifferi, Jérémy Terrien, Julia Marchal, Alexandre Dal-Pan, Fathia Djelti, Isabelle Hardy, Sabine Chahory, Nathalie Cordonnier, Loïc Desquilbet, Murielle Hurion, Alexandre Zahariev, Isabelle Chery, Philippe Zizzari, Martine Perret, Jacques Epelbaum, Stéphane Blanc, Jean-Luc Picq, Marc Dhenain & Fabienne Aujard

发表时间: 2018/04/05



近日《通讯-生物学》发表的一项名为Caloric restriction increases lifespan but affects brain integrity in grey mouse lemur primates 的研究,其中描述了持续的热量摄入限制对灵长类动物灰色小鼠狐猴 (Microcebus murinus,lemurid primate) 的寿命的影响。

持续的热量摄入限制对延长寿命的正面作用已在许多寿命较短、与人类在进化关系上不密切的物种中得到确认。但是它对和人类近亲的灵长类动物,比如 ,恒河猴的寿命的影响仍存在争议,因为现有的研究数据和结论互相矛盾。

于是,法国国家自然历史博物馆和科学研究中心的 Fabienne Aujard 的团队用了10年时间来追踪和研究域内标准的中度持续热量限制 (30%)对雄性灰色小鼠狐猴的衰老的影响。灰色小鼠狐猴在衰老研究里有广泛的应用,因为它们和人类有很多相似的生理特征,尤其是在衰老剖面图里的与衰老相关的认知改变。再有,因为灰色小鼠狐猴的寿命 (6-12年)比恒河猴(27-40年)短,所以更方便研究。

Aujard 的团队发现,中度的持续热量限制把实验组的灰色小鼠狐猴的平均年龄从6.4年延长到9.6年。他们还注意到和衰老有关的慢性病,比如癌症和糖尿病,在实验组里的发生率也被减少。

由于热量限制会加速大鼠的脑萎缩和对人的脑和感情功能有负面影响,Aujard 的团队也做了相关的调查。他们发现虽然热量限制影响了了灰色小鼠狐猴的脑灰质的完整性,但是它却保持了脑白质的完整性。令人惊讶的是,虽然脑灰质的损伤通常会影响到视听等感官知觉和记忆、决策、和自我控制等功能, 但是灰色小鼠狐猴的认知和行为表现并没有受到影响。

总的来说,Aujard 的团队认为热量限制对寿命的正面影响和对脑部的完整性的负面影响都值得更深入的研究。

摘要:The health benefits of chronic caloric restriction resulting in lifespan extension are well established in many short-lived species, but the effects in humans and other primates remain controversial. Here we report the most advanced survival data and the associated follow-up to our knowledge of age-related alterations in a cohort of grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus, lemurid primate) exposed to a chronic moderate (30%) caloric restriction.

Compared to control animals, caloric restriction extended lifespan by 50% (from 6.4 to 9.6 years, median survival), reduced aging-associated diseases and preserved loss of brain white matter in several brain regions. However, caloric restriction accelerated loss of grey matter throughout much of the cerebrum. Cognitive and behavioural performances were, however, not modulated by caloric restriction. Thus chronic moderate caloric restriction can extend lifespan and enhance health of a primate, but it affects brain grey matter integrity without affecting cognitive performances.


期刊介绍:Communications Biology is an open access journal from Nature Research publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of the biological sciences. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances bringing new biological insight to a specialized area of research.

Communications Biology complements the other Nature Research journals by providing a new open access option for biologists while applying less stringent criteria for impact and significance than the Nature-branded journals, including Nature Communications.(来源:科学网)

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