来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2018/11/1 16:56:51


论文标题:Peptide ion channel toxins from the bootlace worm, the longest animal on Earth

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Erik Jacobsson, Hakan S. Andersson, Malin Strand, Steve Peigneur, Camilla Eriksson, Henrik Loden, Mohammadreza Shariatgorji, Per E. Andren, Eline K. M. Lebbe, K. Johan Rosengren, Jan Tytgat, Ulf Goransson


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41598-018-22305-w


动物毒液中的多肽在制药,药理学工具,生物技术和农业等领域具有广泛的应用。近期在发表于《科学报告》的一篇文章Peptide ion channel toxins from the bootlace worm, the longest animal on Earth中,来自瑞典乌普萨拉大学的Ulf Göransson及其研究团队报道了一系列新的来自纽形蠕虫的胱氨酸结肽,这一系列的多肽对电压门控钠离子通道有很强的活性反应。

这些被称为α-纽虫肽(α-nemertides)的毒素发现于巨纵沟纽虫(Lineuslongissimus)的表皮粘液中,巨纵沟纽虫也被称为“鞋带”虫,是地球上最长的动物。研究者们从这种毒素中分离出了含量最高的多肽,即具有31个氨基酸残基的 α-1,对它进行了合成并通过核磁共振确定了其三维结构。研究者对17种纽虫进行转录组分析后发现了八种α-纽虫肽,主要存在于Lineus属。α-1在1 µg/kg (~300 pmol/kg)的剂量下可导致普通滨蟹(Carcinusmaenas)瘫痪死亡。在低纳摩尔浓度下可对无脊椎动物的电压门控钠离子通道(如德国小蠊的Nav1)产生显著效应。


图1:巨纵沟纽虫(Lineuslongissimus )及其种系发生

摘要:Polypeptides from animal venoms have found important uses as drugs, pharmacological tools, and within biotechnological and agricultural applications. We here report a novel family of cystine knot peptides from nemertean worms, with potent activity on voltage-gated sodium channels. These toxins, named the α-nemertides, were discovered in the epidermal mucus of Lineuslongissimus, the ‘bootlace worm’ known as the longest animal on earth. The most abundant peptide, the 31-residue long α-1, was isolated, synthesized, and its 3D NMR structure determined. Transcriptome analysis including 17 species revealed eight α-nemertides, mainly distributed in the genus Lineus. α-1 caused paralysis and death in green crabs (Carcinusmaenas) at 1 µg/kg (~300 pmol/kg). It showed profound effect on invertebrate voltage-gated sodium channels (e.g. Blattellagermanica Nav1) at low nanomolar concentrations. Strong selectivity for insect over human sodium channels indicates that α-nemertides can be promising candidates for development of bioinsecticidal agents.


期刊介绍:Scientific Reports (https://www.nature.com/srep/) is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

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