作者:Sharon E. Kessler, Tyler R.Bonnell, Joanna M. Setchell, Colin A. Chapman 来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2018/10/10 9:53:40

论文标题:Social Structure Facilitated the Evolution of Care-giving as a Strategy for Disease Control in the Human Lineage

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Sharon E. Kessler, Tyler R.Bonnell, Joanna M. Setchell, Colin A. Chapman





根据《科学报告》发表的一项研究Social Structure Facilitated the Evolution of Care-giving as a Strategy for Disease Control in the Human Lineage,随着社会网络变得日渐复杂,社会传播疾病的威胁不断增加,照顾病人可能使史前人类能够预防疾病传播。


英国杜伦大学的Sharon Kessler及其同事使用计算机模型来模拟护理在四种不同社会系统中的演变,他们重建了包含50-200人的早期能人(Homo habilis)、直立人(H. erectus)、海德堡人(H. heidelbergensis)、尼安德特人(H. neandertalensis)和智人(H. sapiens)社群。作者表明,在有效的护理策略确立之前,由父母、兄弟姐妹、堂(表)兄弟姐妹和其他家庭成员负责的亲属护理制度最有可能促进护理在人类种群中的演化。他们认为这是因为家庭成员会分担护理和相关疾病暴露的成本,从而限制个体的感染风险。与此同时,疾病的传播风险会限于家庭成员内部,从而防止疾病向外传播。一旦确立了有效的护理策略,护理网络就变得更加灵活,促进提高人类社会系统的复杂性和多样性。




摘要:Humans are the only species to have evolved cooperative care-giving as a strategy for disease control. A synthesis of evidence from the fossil record, paleogenomics, human ecology, and disease transmission models, suggests that care-giving for the diseased evolved as part of the unique suite of cognitive and socio-cultural specializations that are attributed to the genus Homo. Here we demonstrate that the evolution of hominin social structure enabled the evolution of care-giving for the diseased. Using agent-based modeling, we simulate the evolution of care-giving in hominin networks derived from a basal primate social system and the three leading hypotheses of ancestral human social organization, each of which would have had to deal with the elevated disease spread associated with care-giving. We show that (1) care-giving is an evolutionarily stable strategy in kin-based cooperatively breeding groups, (2) care-giving can become established in small, low density groups, similar to communities that existed before the increases in community size and density that are associated with the advent of agriculture in the Neolithic, and (3) once established, care-giving became a successful method of disease control across social systems, even as community sizes and densities increased. We conclude that care-giving enabled hominins to suppress disease spread as social complexity, and thus socially-transmitted disease risk, increased.


期刊介绍:Scientific Reports (https://www.nature.com/srep/) is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

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