来源:科学网 发布时间:2024/3/26 15:50:21








北京时间3月26日晚八点,iCANX Youth Talks第四十八期邀请到了洛桑联邦理工学院Giulia Tagliabue,宾夕法尼亚大学Deep Jariwala,香港城市大学Dangyuan Lei三位教授主讲,西安电子科技大学 Rusen Yang作为主持人,北京大学Haixia Zhang教授担任嘉宾,期待你一起加入这场知识盛宴。


Giulia Tagliabue


Understanding Hot Carrier Processes For Advanced Plasmonic Energy Devices


In the last decade, plasmonic nanoantennas have revolutionized light manipulation and control at the nanoscale. Interestingly, hot carriers and photoluminescence in metals have opened new pathways for controlling photo(electro)chemical processes and monitoring temperatures. Yet, fundamental questions remain about the microscopic details of these complex light-matter interactions.

We have recently developed a well-controlled experimental platform based on ultrathin monocrystalline gold flakes [1] that, in combination with theory, enables deeper insight into light absorption and emission processes. In particular, I will show results on the hot carrier dynamics in these systems [2] as well as a study unraveling the origin of luminescence in gold, exploring the role of physical confinement, excitation wavelength and temperature [3]. I will then present micro-scale photoelectrochemical measurements clarifying the interplay of hot carrier generation/transport and quantifying the injection probability of high-energy d-band holes at the metal-electrolyte interface [4], connecting it to the ultrafast dynamics of these carriers in monocrystalline metals. Overall, this microscopic insight is critical to advance the design of plasmonic-based energy devices.




Dr. Giulia Tagliabue is a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at EPFL. She joined the Engineering faculty in January 2019 where she leads the Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies (LNET). She obtained her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich in 2015. From 2015 to 2018 she was a Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow and she carried on her postdoctoral research jointly at Caltech and the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP). Dr. Tagliabue’s research focuses on the study of fundamental mechanisms and nanophotonic-design strategies for light-energy conversion devices, with a special interest for light-energy storage systems. Dr. Tagliabue is the recipient of the First Prize of the Rising Stars of Light Award 2020, the 2021 Early Career Award in Nanophotonics and the 2023 Zellner Prize in Physical Chemistry. In 2020 she was awarded an Eccellenza Grant from SNSF and in 2022 she received an SNSF Starting Grant. She is member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Optical Society of America (Optica). Dr. Tagliabue is currently Managing Editor of the journal Nanophotonics (DeGruyter).

Dr. Giulia Tagliabue是瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)机械工程系的终身助理教授。她于2019年1月加入工程系,并领导着纳米科学能源技术实验室(LNET)。她于2015年从苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)获得机械工程博士学位。从2015年到2018年,她是瑞士国家科学基金会(Swiss National Science Foundation)的研究员,并在加州理工学院(Caltech)和人工光合作用联合中心(JCAP)进行博士后研究。Tagliabue博士的研究重点是研究光能转换设备的基本机制和纳米光子设计策略,特别关注光能储存系统。Tagliabue博士是2020年光之未来新星奖(Rising Stars of Light Award)一等奖、2021年纳米光子学早期职业奖和2023年泽尔纳物理化学奖(Zellner Prize in Physical Chemistry)的获得者。2020年,她获得了瑞士国家科学基金会的Eccellenza资助,2022年获得了瑞士国家科学基金会的启动资助。她是美国化学学会(ACS)和美国光学学会(Optica)的成员。Tagliabue博士目前担任《纳米光子学》(Nanophotonics)杂志的主编。

Deep Jariwala


Materials for Low-Power and Extreme-Environment Memory


Silicon has been the dominant material for electronic computing for decades and very likely will stay dominant for the foreseeable future. However, it is well-known that Moore’s law that propelled Silicon into this dominant position is long dead. Therefore, a fervent search for (i) new semiconductors that could directly replace silicon or (ii) new architectures with novel materials/devices added onto silicon or (iii) new physics/state-variables or a combination of above has been the subject of much of the electronic materials and devices research of the past 2 decades. The above problem is further complicated by the changing paradigm of computing from arithmetic centric to data centric in the age of billions of internet-connected devices and artificial intelligence. Therefore, there is a pressing need for complementing and supplementing Silicon to operate with greater efficiency, speed and handle greater amounts of data. This is further necessary since a completely novel and paradigm changing computing platform (e.g. all optical computing or quantum computing) remains out of reach for now.

The above is however not possible without fundamental innovation in new electronic materials and devices. Therefore, in this talk, I will try to make the case of how novel layered two-dimensional (2D) chalcogenide materials and three-dimensional (3D) nitride materials might present interesting avenues to overcome some of the limitations being faced by Silicon hardware. I will start by presenting our ongoing and recent work on integration of 2D chalcogenide semiconductors with emerging wurtzite structure ferroelectric nitride materials namely aluminium scandium nitride (AlScN). First, I will present on Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors (FE-FETs) made from 2D materials when integrated with AlScN and make the case for 2D semiconductors in this application. Next, I will introduce our work on Ferroelectric Diode (FeD) devices also based on thin AlScN. In addition, I will also present how FeDs provide a unique advantage in compute-in-memory (CIM) architectures for efficient storage, search as well as hardware implementation of neural networks. Finally, I will present ongoing work and opportunities to extend the application of AlScN memory devices into extreme environments.




Deep Jariwala is an Associate Professor and the Peter & Susanne Armstrong Distinguished Scholar in the Electrical and Systems Engineering as well as Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn). Deep completed his undergraduate degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Varanasi and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University. Deep was a Resnick Prize Postdoctoral Fellow at Caltech before joining Penn to start his own research group. His research interests broadly lie at the intersection of new materials, surface science and solid-state devices for computing, opto-electronics and energy harvesting applications in addition to the development of correlated and functional imaging techniques. Deep’s research has been widely recognized with several awards from professional societies, funding bodies, industries as well as private foundations the most notable ones being the Optica Adolph Lomb Medal, the Bell Labs Prize, the AVS Peter Mark Memorial Award, IEEE Photonics Society Young Investigator Award, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Young Investigator Award, IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in Semiconductors and the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. He has published over 150 journal papers with more than 19000 citations and holds several patents.

Deep Jariwala是宾夕法尼亚大学(Penn)电气与系统工程以及材料科学与工程的副教授,也是彼得和苏珊·阿姆斯特朗杰出学者。Deep在印度瓦拉纳西的印度理工学院获得金属工程学士学位,并在西北大学获得材料科学与工程博士学位。在加入宾夕法尼亚大学之前,Deep在加州理工学院担任Resnick奖博士后研究员,开始了自己的研究小组。他的研究兴趣广泛涉及新材料、表面科学和固态器件,主要用于计算、光电子学和能量收集应用,以及相关和功能成像技术的发展。Deep的研究得到了专业学会、资助机构、工业界以及私人基金会的广泛认可,其中最显着的奖项包括Optica Adolph Lomb奖、贝尔实验室奖、AVS Peter Mark纪念奖、IEEE光子学会青年研究员奖、IEEE纳米技术理事会青年研究员奖、国际纯粹与应用物理学会(IUPAP)半导体早期科学家奖和阿尔弗雷德P.斯隆奖学金。他发表了150多篇期刊论文,被引用超过19000次,并持有多项专利。

Dangyuan Lei


Plasmonic Nanocavities for Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction


Photonic cavities are man-made resonant structures that can confine light in space, typically in the form of standing waves with certain resonance frequencies. Probably the earliest developed cavity system is a pair of mirrors, termed Fabry–Pérot cavity, which is an indispensable component of lasers and interferometers. While such cavities at the macro-scale are important for many optical devices, they really become shining at the micro- and nanoscale, as exemplified by photonic microcavities made of low-loss dielectric materials and plasmonic nanocavities comprised of resonant metallic nanostructures.

In this talk, I will show our recent discoveries of light-induced electromagnetic asymmetry and optical magnetism in symmetry-broken plasmonic nanocavities and their roles in enhancing surface second-harmonic generation. I will then demonstrate that marrying these small-scale photonic cavities with either photo-switchable molecules or low-dimensional quantum materials can realize high-performance functional devices. Finally, I will share my perspectives on unleashing the full potential of hybrid cavity-quantum-materials paradigms for single-molecule quantum sensing and quantum light emission.




Dangyuan LEI is a Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at City University of Hong Kong and the Provost’s Visiting Professor of Physics at Imperial College London. He received his PhD degree in Physics from Imperial College London in 2011, with his thesis awarded the Anne Thorne PhD Thesis Prize. His research interest centers on plasmonic nanophotonics, low-dimensional quantum optical materials and the nanoscale cavity-matter interaction and device applications. He has published 220 publications, received 13000 citations and an h-index of 63. Three of his publications have been highlighted as “Editor’s Choice” of Science and “Research Highlights” of Nature Materials respectively. He is an elected member of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences, an OSA Senior Member, a member of SPIE, IOP and PSHK, and a National Science and Technology Expert of MOST. He was the only representative of Hong Kong for the APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research & Education (ASPIRE, 2021) and received an Outstanding Research Award for Junior Faculty from City University of Hong Kong (2021), Rising Star Lectureship in Materials Science from Hong Kong Institute of Advanced Study (2021), Shanxi Science and Technology Award (2021), Excellent Young Scientists Fund for Hong Kong & Macau from National Natural Science Foundation of China (2020), and Young Innovators Award in 2D Materials from Nano Research (2020).

Dangyuan Lei是香港城市大学材料科学与工程系的教授,也是伦敦帝国学院物理系的校务长访问教授。他于2011年从伦敦帝国学院获得物理学博士学位,其论文荣获安妮·索恩博士论文奖。他的研究兴趣集中在等离子体纳米光子学、低维量子光学材料以及纳米尺度腔体-物质相互作用和器件应用。他发表了220篇论文,被引用13000次,h指数为63。他的三篇论文分别被《科学》杂志和《自然材料》杂志选为“编辑之选”和“研究亮点”。他是香港青年科学院的选举成员,是OSA的高级会员,也是SPIE、IOP和PSHK的成员。他是2021年亚太经合组织创新、研究与教育科学奖(ASPIRE)的香港唯一代表,并获得了香港城市大学的优秀青年教师研究奖(2021年)、香港高等研究学院材料科学领域的新星讲座奖(2021年)、2021年山西科技奖、以及《纳米研究》杂志2D材料领域的青年创新奖(2020年)。


Rusen Yang



Haixia Zhang


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