作者:未玖 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2023/12/23 21:07:17


编译 | 未玖

Nature, 21 December 2023, VOL 624, ISSUE 7992




Moiré synaptic transistor with room-temperature neuromorphic functionality


▲ 作者:Xiaodong Yan, Zhiren Zheng, Vinod K. Sangwan, Justin H. Qian, Xueqiao Wang, Stephanie E. Liu, et al.

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▲ 摘要:


研究组报道了基于不对称双层石墨烯/六方氮化硼莫尔异质结构的低功率(20 pW)莫尔突触晶体管的实验实现和室温运行。不对称莫尔电位产生了稳健的电子棘轮态,从而实现了控制器件导电性的电荷载流子滞后、非易失性注入。


▲ Abstract:

Moiré quantum materials host exotic electronic phenomena through enhanced internal Coulomb interactions in twisted two-dimensional heterostructures. When combined with the exceptionally high electrostatic control in atomically thin materials, moiré heterostructures have the potential to enable next-generation electronic devices with unprecedented functionality. However, despite extensive exploration, moiré electronic phenomena have thus far been limited to impractically low cryogenic temperatures, thus precluding real-world applications of moiré quantum materials. Here we report the experimental realization and room-temperature operation of a low-power (20?pW) moiré synaptic transistor based on an asymmetric bilayer graphene/hexagonal boron nitride moiré heterostructure. The asymmetric moiré potential gives rise to robust electronic ratchet states, which enable hysteretic, non-volatile injection of charge carriers that control the conductance of the device. The asymmetric gating in dual-gated moiré heterostructures realizes diverse biorealistic neuromorphic functionalities, such as reconfigurable synaptic responses, spatiotemporal-based tempotrons and Bienenstock–Cooper–Munro input-specific adaptation. In this manner, the moiré synaptic transistor enables efficient compute-in-memory designs and edge hardware accelerators for artificial intelligence and machine learning.

材料科学Materials Science

Homogenizing out-of-plane cation composition in perovskite solar cells


▲ 作者:Zheng Liang, Yong Zhang, Huifen Xu, Wenjing Chen, Boyuan Liu, Jiyao Zhang, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Perovskite solar cells with the formula FA1-xCsxPbI3, where FA is formamidinium, provide an attractive option for integrating high efficiency, durable stability and compatibility with scaled-up fabrication. Despite the incorporation of Cs cations, which could potentially enable a perfect perovskite lattice, the compositional inhomogeneity caused by A-site cation segregation is likely to be detrimental to the photovoltaic performance of the solar cells. Here we visualized the out-of-plane compositional inhomogeneity along the vertical direction across perovskite films and identified the underlying reasons for the inhomogeneity and its potential impact for devices. We devised a strategy using 1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrole to homogenize the distribution of cation composition in perovskite films. The resultant p–i–n devices yielded a certified steady-state photon-to-electron conversion efficiency of 25.2% and durable stability.

Three-dimensional atomic structure and local chemical order of medium- and high-entropy nanoalloys


▲ 作者:Saman Moniri, Yao Yang, Jun Ding, Yakun Yuan, Jihan Zhou, Long Yang, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Medium- and high-entropy alloys (M/HEAs) mix several principal elements with near-equiatomic composition and represent a model-shift strategy for designing previously unknown materials in metallurgy, catalysis and other fields. One of the core hypotheses of M/HEAs is lattice distortion, which has been investigated by different numerical and experimental techniques. However, determining the three-dimensional (3D) lattice distortion in M/HEAs remains a challenge. Moreover, the presumed random elemental mixing in M/HEAs has been questioned by X-ray and neutron studies, atomistic simulations, energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron diffraction, which suggest the existence of local chemical order in M/HEAs. However, direct experimental observation of the 3D local chemical order has been difficult because energy dispersive spectroscopy integrates the composition of atomic columns along the zone axes and diffuse electron reflections may originate from planar defects instead of local chemical order. Here we determine the 3D atomic positions of M/HEA nanoparticles using atomic electron tomography and quantitatively characterize the local lattice distortion, strain tensor, twin boundaries, dislocation cores and chemical short-range order (CSRO). We find that the high-entropy alloys have larger local lattice distortion and more heterogeneous strain than the medium-entropy alloys and that strain is correlated to CSRO. We also observe CSRO-mediated twinning in the medium-entropy alloys, that is, twinning occurs in energetically unfavoured CSRO regions but not in energetically favoured CSRO ones, which represents, to our knowledge, the first experimental observation of correlating local chemical order with structural defects in any material. We expect that this work will not only expand our fundamental understanding of this important class of materials but also provide the foundation for tailoring M/HEA properties through engineering lattice distortion and local chemical order.


Autonomous chemical research with large language models


▲ 作者:Daniil A. Boiko, Robert MacKnight, Ben Kline & Gabe Gomes

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▲ Abstract:

Transformer-based large language models are making significant strides in various fields, such as natural language processing, biology, chemistry and computer programming. Here, we show the development and capabilities of Coscientist, an artificial intelligence system driven by GPT-4 that autonomously designs, plans and performs complex experiments by incorporating large language models empowered by tools such as internet and documentation search, code execution and experimental automation. Coscientist showcases its potential for accelerating research across six diverse tasks, including the successful reaction optimization of palladium-catalysed cross-couplings, while exhibiting advanced capabilities for (semi-)autonomous experimental design and execution. Our findings demonstrate the versatility, efficacy and explainability of artificial intelligence systems like Coscientist in advancing research.

地球科学Earth Science

Biological carbon pump estimate based on multidecadal hydrographic data


▲ 作者:Wei-Lei Wang, Weiwei Fu, Frédéric A. C. Le Moigne, Robert T. Letscher, Yi Liu, Jin-Ming Tang, et al.

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▲ 摘要:


研究组使用几十年的水文观测,通过一个逆向生物地球化学模型对BCP强度进行了自上而下的估计,该模型隐式解释了所有已知的输出途径。他们估计在73.4 m(模型透光层深度)的总有机碳(TOC)输出为15.00±1.12 Pg C/年,由于上层水柱中有机质的快速再矿化,只有三分之二的有机碳达到100 m深度。

按透光层以下的固碳时间τ划分,τ> 3个月的全球有机碳总产率为11.09±1.02 Pg C/年,τ> 1年的总产率降至8.25±0.30 Pg C/年,其中81%由下沉颗粒和垂直迁移浮游动物引起的非平流扩散垂直通量所贡献。然而,通过溶解物质和悬浮颗粒的混合和其他流体输送的有机碳输出对于满足呼吸性碳需求仍具有区域重要性。


▲ Abstract:

The transfer of photosynthetically produced organic carbon from surface to mesopelagic waters draws carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, current observation-based estimates disagree on the strength of this biological carbon pump (BCP). Earth system models (ESMs) also exhibit a large spread of BCP estimates, indicating limited representations of the known carbon export pathways. Here we use several decades of hydrographic observations to produce a top-down estimate of the strength of the BCP with an inverse biogeochemical model that implicitly accounts for all known export pathways. Our estimate of total organic carbon (TOC) export at 73.4 m (model euphotic zone depth) is 15.00 ± 1.12 Pg C year 1, with only two-thirds reaching 100 m depth owing to rapid remineralization of organic matter in the upper water column. Partitioned by sequestration time below the euphotic zone, τ, the globally integrated organic carbon production rate with τ > 3 months is 11.09 ± 1.02 Pg C year 1, dropping to 8.25 ± 0.30 Pg C year 1 for τ > 1 year, with 81% contributed by the non-advective-diffusive vertical flux owing to sinking particles and vertically migrating zooplankton. Nevertheless, export of organic carbon by mixing and other fluid transport of dissolved matter and suspended particles remains regionally important for meeting the respiratory carbon demand. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the sequestration efficiency inferred from our inversion suggests that future global warming may intensify the recycling of organic matter in the upper ocean, potentially weakening the BCP.


Human mobility networks reveal increased segregation in large cities


▲ 作者:Hamed Nilforoshan, Wenli Looi, Emma Pierson, Blanca Villanueva, Nic Fishman, Yiling Chen, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

A long-standing expectation is that large, dense and cosmopolitan areas support socioeconomic mixing and exposure among diverse individuals. Assessing this hypothesis has been difficult because previous measures of socioeconomic mixing have relied on static residential housing data rather than real-life exposures among people at work, in places of leisure and in home neighbourhoods. Here we develop a measure of exposure segregation that captures the socioeconomic diversity of these everyday encounters. Using mobile phone mobility data to represent 1.6 billion real-world exposures among 9.6 million people in the United States, we measure exposure segregation across 382 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and 2,829 counties. We find that exposure segregation is 67% higher in the ten largest MSAs than in small MSAs with fewer than 100,000 residents. This means that, contrary to expectations, residents of large cosmopolitan areas have less exposure to a socioeconomically diverse range of individuals. Second, we find that the increased socioeconomic segregation in large cities arises because they offer a greater choice of differentiated spaces targeted to specific socioeconomic groups. Third, we find that this segregation-increasing effect is countered when a city’s hubs (such as shopping centres) are positioned to bridge diverse neighbourhoods and therefore attract people of all socioeconomic statuses. Our findings challenge a long-standing conjecture in human geography and highlight how urban design can both prevent and facilitate encounters among diverse individuals.







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