作者:冯维维 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2023/10/7 20:23:15


Nature, 5 October 2023, Volume 622 Issue 7981




Outflows from the youngest stars are mostly molecular


▲ 作者:T. P. Ray, M. J. McCaughrean, A. Caratti o Garatti, P. J. Kavanagh, K. Justtanont, E. F. van Dishoeck, M. Reitsma, H. Beuther, L. Francis, C. Gieser, P. Klaassen, G. Perotti, L. Tychoniec, M. van Gelder, L. Colina, Th. R. Greve, M. Güdel, Th. Henning, P. O. Lagage, G. stlin, B. Vandenbussche, C. Waelkens & G. Wright

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毫米干涉仪可以探测这一阶段,但只能探测温度最低的部分。并未提供关于喷流中最热(大于1000 K)成分的信息,即原子、电离和高温分子气体,它们被认为构成了喷流的骨干。探测这样的骨干依赖于可穿透尘埃的红外线的观察。



▲ Abstract:

The formation of stars and planets is accompanied not only by the build-up of matter, namely accretion, but also by its expulsion in the form of highly supersonic jets that can stretch for several parsecs. As accretion and jet activity are correlated and because young stars acquire most of their mass rapidly early on, the most powerful jets are associated with the youngest protostars. This period, however, coincides with the time when the protostar and its surroundings are hidden behind many magnitudes of visual extinction. Millimetre interferometers can probe this stage but only for the coolest components. No information is provided on the hottest (greater than 1,000 K) constituents of the jet, that is, the atomic, ionized and high-temperature molecular gases that are thought to make up the jet’s backbone. Detecting such a spine relies on observing in the infrared that can penetrate through the shroud of dust. Here we report near-infrared observations of Herbig-Haro 211 from the James Webb Space Telescope, an outflow from an analogue of our Sun when it was, at most, a few times 104 years old. These observations reveal copious emission from hot molecules, explaining the origin of the ‘green fuzzies discovered nearly two decades ago by the Spitzer Space Telescope. This outflow is found to be propagating slowly in comparison to its more evolved counterparts and, surprisingly, almost no trace of atomic or ionized emission is seen, suggesting its spine is almost purely molecular.


Hydrogen-bond-acceptor ligands enable distal C(sp3)–H arylation of free alcohols


▲ 作者:Daniel A. Strassfeld, Chia-Yu Chen, Han Seul Park, D. Quang Phan & Jin-Quan Yu

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有机分子中碳氢键的功能化是化学合成最直接的方法之一。催化的最新进展使羧酸、酮和胺等天然化学基团能够控制和指导C(sp3) -H的活化。然而,作为有机化学中最常见的官能团之一的醇,由于其对晚期过渡金属催化剂的亲和力较低,仍然难以处理。研究者描述了使δ-C(sp3) -H键的醇定向芳基化的配体。


▲ Abstract:

The functionalization of C–H bonds in organic molecules is one of the most direct approaches for chemical synthesis. Recent advances in catalysis have allowed native chemical groups such as carboxylic acids, ketones and amines to control and direct C(sp3)–H activation. However, alcohols, among the most common functionalities in organic chemistry, have remained intractable because of their low affinity for late transition-metal catalysts. Here we describe ligands that enable alcohol-directed arylation of δ-C(sp3)–H bonds. We use charge balance and a secondary-coordination-sphere hydrogen-bonding interaction—evidenced by structure–activity relationship studies, computational modelling and crystallographic data—to stabilize L-type hydroxyl coordination to palladium, thereby facilitating the assembly of the key C–H cleavage transition state. In contrast to previous studies in C–H activation, in which secondary interactions were used to control selectivity in the context of established reactivity, this report demonstrates the feasibility of using secondary interactions to enable challenging, previously unknown reactivity by enhancing substrate–catalyst affinity.


Global evidence of rapid urban growth in flood zones since 1985


▲ 作者:Jun Rentschler, Paolo Avner, Mattia Marconcini, Rui Su, Emanuele Strano, Michalis Vousdoukas & Stéphane Hallegatte

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▲ Abstract:

Disaster losses are increasing and evidence is mounting that climate change is driving up the probability of extreme natural shocks. Yet it has also proved politically expedient to invoke climate change as an exogenous force that supposedly places disasters beyond the influence of local and national authorities. However, locally determined patterns of urbanization and spatial development are key factors to the exposure and vulnerability of people to climatic shocks. Using high-resolution annual data, this study shows that, since 1985, human settlements around the world—from villages to megacities—have expanded continuously and rapidly into present-day flood zones. In many regions, growth in the most hazardous flood zones is outpacing growth in non-exposed zones by a large margin, particularly in East Asia, where high-hazard settlements have expanded 60% faster than flood-safe settlements. These results provide systematic evidence of a divergence in the exposure of countries to flood hazards. Instead of adapting their exposure, many countries continue to actively amplify their exposure to increasingly frequent climatic shocks.

Forced changes in the Pacific Walker circulation over the past millennium


▲ 作者:Georgina Falster, Bronwen Konecky, Sloan Coats & Samantha Stevenson

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▲ Abstract:

The Pacific Walker circulation (PWC) has an outsized influence on weather and climate worldwide. Yet the PWC response to external forcings is unclear, with empirical data and mode simulations often disagreeing on the magnitude and sign of these responses. Most climate models predict that the PWC will ultimately weaken in response to global warming. However, the PWC strengthened from 1992 to 2011, suggesting a significant role for anthropogenic and/or volcanic aerosol forcing, or internal variability. Here we use a new annually resolved, multi-method, palaeoproxy-derived PWC reconstruction ensemble (1200–2000) to show that the 1992–2011 PWC strengthening is anomalous but not unprecedented in the context of the past 800 years. The 1992–2011 PWC strengthening was unlikely to have been a consequence of volcanic forcing and may therefore have resulted from anthropogenic aerosol forcing or natural variability. We find no significant industrial-era (1850–2000) PWC trend, contrasting the PWC weakening simulated by most climate models. However, an industrial-era shift to lower-frequency variability suggests a subtle anthropogenic influence. The reconstruction also suggests that volcanic eruptions trigger El Nio-like PWC weakening, similar to the response simulated by climate models.


Protected areas slow declines unevenly across the tetrapod tree of life


▲ 作者:A. Justin Nowakowski, James I. Watling, Alexander Murray, Jessica L. Deichmann, Thomas S. Akre, Carlos L. Mu oz Brenes, Brian D. Todd, Louise McRae, Robin Freeman & Luke O. Frishkoff

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研究者分析了全球2239种陆生脊椎动物种群的丰度变化率。平均而言,脊椎动物种群在保护区内的下降速度(- 0.4% /年)比在缺乏保护的类似地点(- 1.8% /年)慢5倍。研究发现,保护区的缓解效果在脊椎动物类别内部和不同类别中都有所不同,其中两栖动物和鸟类受益最大。



▲ Abstract:

Protected areas (PAs) are the primary strategy for slowing terrestrial biodiversity loss. Although expansion of PA coverage is prioritized under the Convention on Biological Diversity, it remains unknown whether PAs mitigate declines across the tetrapod tree of life and to what extent land cover and climate change modify PA effectiveness. Here we analysed rates of change in abundance of 2,239 terrestrial vertebrate populations across the globe. On average, vertebrate populations declined five times more slowly within PAs (0.4% per year) than at similar sites lacking protection (1.8% per year). The mitigating effects of PAs varied both within and across vertebrate classes, with amphibians and birds experiencing the greatest benefits. The benefits of PAs were lower for amphibians in areas with converted land cover and lower for reptiles in areas with rapid climate warming. By contrast, the mitigating impacts of PAs were consistently augmented by effective national governance. This study provides evidence for the effectiveness of PAs as a strategy for slowing tetrapod declines. However, optimizing the growing PA network requires targeted protection of sensitive clades and mitigation of threats beyond PA boundaries. Provided the conditions of targeted protection, adequate governance and well-managed landscapes are met, PAs can serve a critical role in safeguarding tetrapod biodiversity.


Evidence for the earliest structural use of wood at least 476,000 years ago


▲ 作者:L. Barham, G. A. T. Duller, I. Candy, C. Scott, C. R. Cartwright, J. R. Peterson, C. Kabukcu, M. S. Chapot, F. Melia, V. Rots, N. George, N. Taipale, P. Gethin & P. Nkombwe

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目前已知最早的木制人工制品是一块抛光的木板碎片,来自以色列Gesher Benot Ya’aqov的阿舍利遗址,距今已有780多年。用于觅食和狩猎的木制工具出现在400年前的欧洲、中国,还有非洲。


▲ Abstract:

Wood artefacts rarely survive from the Early Stone Age since they require exceptional conditions for preservation; consequently, we have limited information about when and how hominins used this basic raw material1. We report here on the earliest evidence for structural use of wood in the archaeological record. Waterlogged deposits at the archaeological site of Kalambo Falls, Zambia, dated by luminescence to at least 476 ± 23 kyr ago (ka), preserved two interlocking logs joined transversely by an intentionally cut notch. This construction has no known parallels in the African or Eurasian Palaeolithic. The earliest known wood artefact is a fragment of polished plank from the Acheulean site of Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, Israel, more than 780 ka. Wooden tools for foraging and hunting appear 400 ka in Europe, China and possibly Africa. At Kalambo we also recovered four wood tools from 390 ka to 324 ka, including a wedge, digging stick, cut log and notched branch. The finds show an unexpected early diversity of forms and the capacity to shape tree trunks into large combined structures. These new data not only extend the age range of woodworking in Africa but expand our understanding of the technical cognition of early hominins, forcing re-examination of the use of trees in the history of technology.

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