来源:中国工程院 发布时间:2015/1/21 15:16:07


目前,美国工程院组织的“第二届你身边的工程科技”(E4U2,Engineering for You)视频竞赛活动已正式启动。活动旨在展示工程科技在满足社会需求和造福人类方面的作用。最佳视频将可获得25000美元奖金。
Throughout history, engineering has advanced civilization from the way we connect with each other, to the way we heal, to how we get around, and simply have fun. But society still faces major obstacles. The National Academy of Engineering has outlined 14 game-changing opportunities for the 21st century called the Grand Challenges for Engineering. We want you to review the 14 Grand Challenges, and then create and submit a 1 to 2 minute video that shows how achieving one or more of the NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering will lead to a more sustainable, healthy, secure, and/or joyous world!
The Grand Prize of $25,000 will go to the most inspiring 1-2 minute video. We hope that you will participate in the contest and also encourage those in your communities to enter as well!
The E4U2 Video Contest is open for video submissions from January 5, 2015 to March 2, 2015.
Visit www.e4uvideocontest.org to learn more!
For any additional questions, please email E4Uvideocontest@nae.edu.


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