来源:科学网 www.sciencenet.cn 发布时间:2011-8-17 12:48:53

As of January 2012, Springer, one of the leading publishers in the fields of science, technology and medicine, will publish the Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (CJME), an official Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES) journal. This peer-reviewed publication joins Springer’s Chinese Library of Science, a collection of more than 90 high-quality China-based international research journals available at www.springerlink.com.
Founded in 1988, the Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering is one of the most authoritative academic journals in this field. The papers published in the CJME − from mechanical engineering to new cross-disciplinary subjects, such as micro-electro-mechanical systems and micro and nano-manufacturing − report on current results from both fundamental and applications research. The journal appears six times a year and was previously published by the society itself. Starting with Volume 25, Issue 1, 2012, the CJME will be published at Springer electronically worldwide and in print outside mainland China.
Professor Song Tianhu, the Managing Vice Chairman of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and Editor-in-Chief of the CJME, said, “We are glad to collaborate with Springer in publishing this journal. We believe that the partnership will improve international communication in the community of mechanical science and engineering, and enhance the visibility of the journal globally.”
Lu Ye, Editorial Director of Springer’s Beijing office, said, “The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society is a very significant society in China. It is exciting that CMES has chosen to work with us and we are confident that with our joint efforts, CJME will become one of the world-class journals in this area and will bring increasing value to both its authors and readers worldwide.”
Established in 1936, the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (www.cmes.org) is an academic non-profit organization, with more than 180,000 individual and corporate members. The society offers a forum for the exchange of ideas, information and experience among its members and others who have a professional interest in mechanical sciences and technology.
Springer (www.springer.com) is a leading global scientific publisher of books and journals, delivering quality content through innovative information products and services. It publishes close to 500 academic and professional society journals. Springer is part of the publishing group Springer Science+Business Media. In the science, technology and medicine (STM) sector, the group publishes around 2,000 journals and more than 7,000 new books a year, as well as the largest STM eBook Collection worldwide. Springer has operations in about 20 countries in Europe, the USA, and Asia, and more than 5,500 employees.
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (CJME)
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