来源:Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 发布时间:2025/3/7 14:46:52
FME | 综述文章:超精密加工与3D打印——现状、机遇和未来展望

论文标题:3D printing for ultra-precision machining: current status, opportunities, and future perspectives

期刊: Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering

作者:Tao HE , Wai Sze YIP , Edward Hengzhou YAN , Jiuxing TANG , Muhammad REHAN , Long TENG , Chi Ho WONG , Linhe SUN , Baolong ZHANG , Feng GUO , Shaohe ZHANG , Suet TO

发表时间:15 Aug 2024



香港理工大学的Wai Sze YIP、Suet TO研究团队在《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering》2024年8月刊发表了题为“3D printing for ultra-precision machining: current status, opportunities, and future perspectives”的综述型论文,文章概述了用于3D打印的超精密加工(UPM)技术的现状,分析了将UPM与3D打印相结合的好处,并进一步讨论了将这两种先进制造技术融入潜在行业的未来前景。







图 1 当前主流的3D打印技术


图2 提出的用于微结构制造的UPM和3D结合打印


图3 3D打印和UPM结合的未来前景


3D printing for ultra-precision machining: current status, opportunities, and future perspectives

Tao HE, Wai Sze YIP, Edward Hengzhou YAN, Jiuxing TANG, Muhammad REHAN, Long TENG, Chi Ho WONG, Linhe SUN, Baolong ZHANG, Feng GUO, Shaohe ZHANG, Suet TO


Additive manufacturing, particularly 3D printing, has revolutionized the manufacturing industry by allowing the production of complex and intricate parts at a lower cost and with greater efficiency. However, 3D-printed parts frequently require post-processing or integration with other machining technologies to achieve the desired surface finish, accuracy, and mechanical properties. Ultra-precision machining (UPM) is a potential machining technology that addresses these challenges by enabling high surface quality, accuracy, and repeatability in 3D-printed components. This study provides an overview of the current state of UPM for 3D printing, including the current UPM and 3D printing stages, and the application of UPM to 3D printing. Following the presentation of current stage perspectives, this study presents a detailed discussion of the benefits of combining UPM with 3D printing and the opportunities for leveraging UPM on 3D printing or supporting each other. In particular, future opportunities focus on cutting tools manufactured via 3D printing for UPM, UPM of 3D-printed components for real-world applications, and post-machining of 3D-printed components. Finally, future prospects for integrating the two advanced manufacturing technologies into potential industries are discussed. This study concludes that UPM is a promising technology for 3D-printed components, exhibiting the potential to improve the functionality and performance of 3D-printed products in various applications. It also discusses how UPM and 3D printing can complement each other.

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Tao HE, Wai Sze YIP, Edward Hengzhou YAN, Jiuxing TANG, Muhammad REHAN, Long TENG, Chi Ho WONG, Linhe SUN, Baolong ZHANG, Feng GUO, Shaohe ZHANG, Suet TO. 3D printing for ultra-precision machining: current status, opportunities, and future perspectives. Front. Mech. Eng., 2024, 19(4): 23




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