美国芝加哥大学David J. Freedman团队近期取得重要工作进展,他们研究提出,灵长类动物的上丘参与抽象的高阶认知。相关研究成果2024年9月19日在线发表于《自然—神经科学》杂志上。
Title: Primate superior colliculus is causally engaged in abstract higher-order cognition
Author: Peysakhovich, Barbara, Zhu, Ou, Tetrick, Stephanie M., Shirhatti, Vinay, Silva, Alessandra A., Li, Sihai, Ibos, Guilhem, Rosen, Matthew C., Johnston, W. Jeffrey, Freedman, David J.
Issue&Volume: 2024-09-19
Abstract: The superior colliculus is an evolutionarily conserved midbrain region that is thought to mediate spatial orienting, including saccadic eye movements and covert spatial attention. Here, we reveal a role for the superior colliculus in higher-order cognition, independent of its role in spatial orienting. We trained rhesus macaques to perform an abstract visual categorization task that involved neither instructed eye movements nor differences in covert attention. We compared neural activity in the superior colliculus and the posterior parietal cortex, a region previously shown to causally contribute to abstract category decisions. The superior colliculus exhibits robust encoding of learned visual categories, which is stronger than in the posterior parietal cortex and arises at a similar latency in the two areas. Moreover, inactivation of the superior colliculus markedly impaired animals’ category decisions. These results demonstrate that the primate superior colliculus mediates abstract, higher-order cognitive processes that have traditionally been attributed to the neocortex.
DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01744-x
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-024-01744-x
Nature Neuroscience:《自然—神经科学》,创刊于1998年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.771