Title: Heisenberg spin chain with random-sign couplings
Author: Fava, Michele, Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke, Nahum, Adam
Issue&Volume: 2024-8-29
Abstract: We study the 1D quantum Heisenberg chain with randomly ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic couplings [a model previously studied by approximate strong-disorder renormalization group (RG)]. We find that, at least for sufficiently large spin S, the ground state has “spin glass” order. The spin waves on top of this state have the dynamical exponent Z=3/2, intermediate between the values z = 1 of the antiferromagnet and z = 2 of the ferromagnet. Density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations are in good agreement with the analytical results for spins S = 1 and S=3/2. The case S=1/2 shows large finite size effects: We suggest that this case is also ordered, but with a small ordered moment.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2401292121
Source: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2401292121