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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/14 23:28:18

美国加州大学Michael J. Prather团队报道了利用紫外水吸收重设对流层OH和CH4寿命。相关研究成果发表在2024年7月12日出版的《科学》。




Title: Resetting tropospheric OH and CH4 lifetime with ultraviolet H2O absorption

Author: Michael J. Prather, Lei Zhu

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-12

Abstract: The decay of methyl chloroform, a banned ozone-depleting substance, has provided a clear observational metric of mean tropospheric hydroxyl radical (OH) abundance. Almost all current global chemistry models calculate about 15% too much OH and thus too rapid methane loss. Methane is a short-lived climate forcer, critical to achieving global warming targets, and this error affects our model projections of climate change. New observations of water vapor absorption in the ultraviolet region (290 to 350 nanometers) imply reductions in sunlight with key photolysis rates decreasing by 8 to 12% in the near-surface tropical atmosphere. Incorporation of this new mechanism in a chemistry-transport model reduces OH and methane loss by only 4%, but combined with other proposed mechanisms, such as tropospheric halogen chemistry (7%), we may be able to resolve this conundrum.

DOI: adn0415

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adn0415

