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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/13 22:36:48

法国埃利戈公司David Bikard、Xavier Duportet和Jesus Fernandez-Rodriguez课题组合作的研究报道了靶向小鼠肠道细菌的原位定向碱基编辑器。相关论文于2024年7月10日发表在《自然》杂志上。






Title: In situ targeted base editing of bacteria in the mouse gut

Author: Brdel, Andreas K., Charpenay, Loc H., Galtier, Matthieu, Fuche, Fabien J., Terrasse, Rmi, Poquet, Chlo, Havrnek, Jan, Pignotti, Simone, Krawczyk, Antonina, Arraou, Marion, Prevot, Gautier, Spadoni, Dalila, Yarnall, Matthew T. N., Hessel, Edith M., Fernandez-Rodriguez, Jesus, Duportet, Xavier, Bikard, David

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-10

Abstract: Microbiome research is now demonstrating a growing number of bacterial strains and genes that affect our health1. Although CRISPR-derived tools have shown great success in editing disease-driving genes in human cells2, we currently lack the tools to achieve comparable success for bacterial targets in situ. Here we engineer a phage-derived particle to deliver a base editor and modify Escherichia coli colonizing the mouse gut. Editing of a β-lactamase gene in a model E. coli strain resulted in a median editing efficiency of 93% of the target bacterial population with a single dose. Edited bacteria were stably maintained in the mouse gut for at least 42days following treatment. This was achieved using a non-replicative DNA vector, preventing maintenance and dissemination of the payload. We then leveraged this approach to edit several genes of therapeutic relevance in E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae strains in vitro and demonstrate in situ editing of a gene involved in the production of curli in a pathogenic E. coli strain. Our work demonstrates the feasibility of modifying bacteria directly in the gut, offering a new avenue to investigate the function of bacterial genes and opening the door to the design of new microbiome-targeted therapies.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07681-w

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07681-w

