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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/29 16:37:35

近日,德国柏林夏里特医学院Nikolaus Rajewsky等研究人员合作开发出3D高分辨空间转录组学。相关论文于2024年6月24日在线发表在《细胞》杂志上。





Title: Open-ST: High-resolution spatial transcriptomics in 3D

Author: Marie Schott, Daniel León-Perián, Elena Splendiani, Leon Strenger, Jan Robin Licha, Tancredi Massimo Pentimalli, Simon Schallenberg, Jonathan Alles, Sarah Samut Tagliaferro, Anastasiya Boltengagen, Sebastian Ehrig, Stefano Abbiati, Steffen Dommerich, Massimiliano Pagani, Elisabetta Ferretti, Giuseppe Macino, Nikos Karaiskos, Nikolaus Rajewsky

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-24

Abstract: Spatial transcriptomics (ST) methods unlock molecular mechanisms underlying tissuedevelopment, homeostasis, or disease. However, there is a need for easy-to-use, high-resolution,cost-efficient, and 3D-scalable methods. Here, we report Open-ST, a sequencing-based,open-source experimental and computational resource to address these challenges andto study the molecular organization of tissues in 2D and 3D. In mouse brain, Open-STcaptured transcripts at subcellular resolution and reconstructed cell types. In primaryhead-and-neck tumors and patient-matched healthy/metastatic lymph nodes, Open-ST capturedthe diversity of immune, stromal, and tumor populations in space, validated by imaging-basedST. Distinct cell states were organized around cell-cell communication hotspots inthe tumor but not the metastasis. Strikingly, the 3D reconstruction and multimodalanalysis of the metastatic lymph node revealed spatially contiguous structures notvisible in 2D and potential biomarkers precisely at the 3D tumor/lymph node boundary.All protocols and software are available at https://rajewsky-lab.github.io/openst.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.055

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)00636-6
