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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/29 13:56:11

德国波恩大学Smruti Sourav Rout团队以Taápaca火山(安第斯山脉中部)的33ka英安岩穹顶的喷发为例,在研究热脉冲控制的岩浆储存中取得进展。该研究于2024年6月25日发表于国际一流学术期刊《地质学》杂志上。


本研究的焦点是来自一次32.9ka前火山喷发产生的20个巨型晶体。研究人员解释说,它们与被吸收表面分开的富钡和贫钡生长区惊人地相关,反映了频繁的热脉冲,并具有超过300k.y.增长的均匀热历史。研究推断,在更大的岩浆系统中,在较小的(<400 m)浅“热”域中具有长期的储存。



Title: Heat pulse-dominated magmatic storage: The 33 ka dacite dome eruption at Taápaca volcano (Central Andes)

Author: Smruti Sourav Rout, Gerhard Wrner, Wencke Wegner, Brad S. Singer

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-25

Abstract: We present 40Ar/39Ar ages of dacite domes and rare volcanic sanidine megacrysts from Taápaca volcano (northern Chile) that record 1.3 m.y. of activity. Our focus is on 20 megacrysts from a single 32.9 ka eruption. We interpret that their surprisingly correlated Ba-rich and Ba-poor growth zones separated by resorption surfaces reflect frequent heat pulses with a uniform thermal history over >300 k.y. of growth. We infer extended storage in small (<400 m), shallow “hot” domains within a larger magma system. Our findings bear on the origin of K-feldspar megacrysts in plutonic rocks, thus linking volcanic and plutonic processes in shallow silicic magma systems, and support protracted residence of hot magma in small batches at upper-crustal levels to produce megacryst-bearing granitoid intrusive complexes.

DOI: 10.1130/G52173.1

Source: https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article/doi/10.1130/G52173.1/645189/Heat-pulse-dominated-magmatic-storage-The-33-ka

