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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/20 17:31:47

美国加州理工学院Joseph Parker团队揭示了隐翅虫生物合成创新的基因组和细胞基础。相关论文于2024年6月17日在线发表在《细胞》杂志上。





Title: The genomic and cellular basis of biosynthetic innovation in rove beetles

Author: Sheila A. Kitchen, Thomas H. Naragon, Adrian Brückner, Mark S. Ladinsky, Sofia A. Quinodoz, Jean M. Badroos, Joani W. Viliunas, Yuriko Kishi, Julian M. Wagner, David R. Miller, Mina Yousefelahiyeh, Igor A. Antoshechkin, K. Taro Eldredge, Stacy Pirro, Mitchell Guttman, Steven R. Davis, Matthew L. Aardema, Joseph Parker

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-17

Abstract: How evolution at the cellular level potentiates macroevolutionary change is centralto understanding biological diversification. The >66,000 rove beetle species (Staphylinidae)form the largest metazoan family. Combining genomic and cell type transcriptomic insightsspanning the largest clade, Aleocharinae, we retrace evolution of two cell types comprisinga defensive gland—a putative catalyst behind staphylinid megadiversity. We identifymolecular evolutionary steps leading to benzoquinone production by one cell type viaa mechanism convergent with plant toxin release systems, and synthesis by the secondcell type of a solvent that weaponizes the total secretion. This cooperative systemhas been conserved since the Early Cretaceous as Aleocharinae radiated into tens ofthousands of lineages. Reprogramming each cell type yielded biochemical noveltiesenabling ecological specialization—most dramatically in symbionts that infiltratesocial insect colonies via host-manipulating secretions. Our findings uncover celltype evolutionary processes underlying the origin and evolvability of a beetle chemical innovation.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.012

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)00521-X
