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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/16 23:15:50

美国弗雷德·哈钦森癌症中心Aaron M. Ring等研究人员合作发现,人类病媒微生物相互作用图谱揭示致病机制。2024年6月13日,《细胞》杂志在线发表了这项成果。





Title: An atlas of human vector-borne microbe interactions reveals pathogenicity mechanisms

Author: Thomas M. Hart, Nicole D. Sonnert, Xiaotian Tang, Reetika Chaurasia, Paige E. Allen, Jason R. Hunt, Curtis B. Read, Emily E. Johnson, Gunjan Arora, Yile Dai, Yingjun Cui, Yu-Min Chuang, Qian Yu, M. Sayeedur Rahman, M. Tays Mendes, Agustin Rolandelli, Pallavi Singh, Abhai K. Tripathi, Choukri Ben Mamoun, Melissa J. Caimano, Justin D. Radolf, Yi-Pin Lin, Volker Fingerle, Gabriele Margos, Utpal Pal, Raymond M. Johnson, Joao H.F. Pedra, Abdu F. Azad, Jeanne Salje, George Dimopoulos, Joseph M. Vinetz, Jason A. Carlyon, Noah W. Palm, Erol Fikrig, Aaron M. Ring

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-13

Abstract: Vector-borne diseases are a leading cause of death worldwide and pose a substantialunmet medical need. Pathogens binding to host extracellular proteins (the “exoproteome”)represents a crucial interface in the etiology of vector-borne disease. Here, we usedbacterial selection to elucidate host-microbe interactions in high throughput (BASEHIT)—atechnique enabling interrogation of microbial interactions with 3,324 human exoproteins—toprofile the interactomes of 82 human-pathogen samples, including 30 strains of arthropod-bornepathogens and 8 strains of related non-vector-borne pathogens. The resulting atlasrevealed 1,303 putative interactions, including hundreds of pairings with potentialroles in pathogenesis, including cell invasion, tissue colonization, immune evasion,and host sensing. Subsequent functional investigations uncovered that Lyme diseasespirochetes recognize epidermal growth factor as an environmental cue of transcriptionalregulation and that conserved interactions between intracellular pathogens and thioredoxinsfacilitate cell invasion. In summary, this interactome atlas provides molecular-levelinsights into microbial pathogenesis and reveals potential host-directed targets fornext-generation therapeutics.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.023

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)00532-4
